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Get total count along with Mongoose Query skip & limt

I have a json data which contains many objects. I want to limit the data for pagination and I need the total items count. Please help.


I want the count and skipped data in response.

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govind Avatar asked Jan 22 '16 11:01


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2 Answers

I have solved it with $facet and aggregate the following way in mongoose v3+:

const [{ paginatedResult, [{ totalCount }] }] = await Model.aggregate([{
  $facet: {
    paginatedResult: [
      { $match: query },
      { $skip: skip },
      { $limit: limit }
    totalCount: [
      { $match: query },
      { $count: 'totalCount' }

where the totalCount refers the total number of records matching the search query while the paginatedResult is only the paginated slice of them.

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gazdagergo Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 07:10


The problem with these solutions is that for every request you are doing two queries. This becomes problematic when you have a complex data structure and large data set as performance becomes an issue. Consider instead creating a special function that listens for the /resource?count=true or /resource/count GET methods and returns only the count.

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Pbrain19 Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 08:10
