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NodeJS MSSQL .query returning double data in both recordsets and recordset

I'm seeing all data rows repeated twice in my JSON returned from mssql in Node:

        "recordsets": [[{
                    "student_firstname": "Jonah                ",
                    "student_lastname": "Hill                    "
                }, {
                    "student_firstname": "Debra                   ",
                    "student_lastname": "Smith               "
        "recordset": [{
                "student_firstname": "Jonah                ",
                "student_lastname": "Hill                    "
            }, {
                "student_firstname": "Debra                   ",
                "student_lastname": "Smith               "
        "output": {},
        "rowsAffected": [2]

I temporarily changed the query to get two rows to see if all rows would be duplicate, and they are as you can see above.

function getStudent(studentID) 

    sql.on('error', err => {
        // ... error handler 
        console.log("DB Error2: " + err); 

    return sql.connect(config).then(pool => {
            // Query 
            return pool.request()
            .input('input_parameter', sql.Int, studentID)
            //.query('select student_firstname, student_lastname from students where student_id = @input_parameter')
            .query('select student_firstname, student_lastname from students where student_id in (31,32)')
        }).then(function(result) {
            return result; 
        .catch(err => {
            // ... error checks 
            console.log("DB Error1: " + err); 
            throw err; 


The above function is called in an app.get statement that returns the JSON.

The console.dir(result) shows the same as the JSON above, except shows "[Object]: in the first line. SO I don't think it's wrapping the JSON further.

{ recordsets: [ [ [Object], [Object] ] ],
   [ { student_firstname: 'Jonah                  ',
       student_lastname: 'Hill                    ' },
     { student_firstname: 'Debra                   ',
       student_lastname: 'Smith                   ' } ],
  output: {},
  rowsAffected: [ 2 ] }

I can work with the data like this, but it's wasting bandwidth.

like image 500
NealWalters Avatar asked Aug 02 '17 14:08


1 Answers

The data is not retuned twice but just exposed through two properties. The recordset property just exposes the first recordset in recordsets.

mssql documentation:

result.recordsets.length // count of recordsets returned by the procedure
result.recordsets[0].length // count of rows contained in first recordset
result.recordset // first recordset from result.recordsets
like image 121
Timo Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 17:11
