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node.js + jade + express: How can I create a navigation that will set class active if the path matches

I have come up with the following code but the problem is, there will be duplication of the anchor tag for each menu item.Is there a better way to do this?

                    - if(menu="Home") 
                            a(href="#") Dashboard
                            a(href="#") Dashboard
                        a(href="#") About
                        a(href="#") Contact
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Vartan Arabyan Avatar asked May 23 '12 05:05

Vartan Arabyan

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1 Answers

Found this in another question that was similar:

Use a ternary at each "li"

    li(class=(title === 'Home' ? 'active' : ''))
        a(href='#') Home
    li(class=(title === 'Dashboard' ? 'active' : ''))
        a(href='#') Dashboard

You can setup your routes to pass the "menu" value instead of using "title" if you want:

exports.index = function(req, res) {
    res.render('index', {title: 'Home', menu: 'Home'});
like image 136
crussell Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09
