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Node Name not showing in neo4j




I am using a FOREACH and note that X and Y Nodes are filled in but do not show on database display in neo4j.

Empty Display for Nodes

Values are set and correct.

Puzzled as to why. Simple code to generate Nodes and the various Relationship Types from a csv.

USING PERIODIC COMMIT LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///C:/neo4j_module_datasets/test2.csv" AS line

MERGE (X:MyNodeX{text: line.X})
MERGE (Y:MyNodeY{text: line.Y})

   FOREACH (w in SPLIT(line.A, " ") |
      MERGE (X)–[R:REL {relationship: w}]->(Y))
like image 890
thebluephantom Avatar asked Oct 06 '16 19:10


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1 Answers

The browser visualizer is distinct from neo4j itself, and the visualizer has no way of knowing which properties on your nodes of a specific label to use for display, so the process for selection is manual.

To set the caption, first click on the node label whose caption you want to change (located at the top of your visualization). This will show display options at the bottom of the visualization, such as color, size, and caption, where the caption options are the properties of nodes of that label. Clicking on one of those caption options will change all nodes of that label to use that property for the caption.

like image 66
InverseFalcon Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 02:10
