I'm trying to spin up a Neo4j 3.1 instance in a Docker container (through Docker-Compose), running on OSX (El Capitan). All is well, unless I try to increase the max-heap space available to Neo above the default of 512MB.
According to the docs, this can be achieved by adding the environment variable NEO4J_dbms_memory_heap_maxSize
, which then causes the server wrapper script to update the neo4j.conf
file accordingly. I've checked and it is being updated as one would expect.
The problem is, when I run docker-compose up
to spin up the container, the Neo4j instance crashes out with a 137 status code. A little research tells me this is a linux hard-crash, based on heap-size maximum limits.
$ docker-compose up
Starting elasticsearch
Recreating neo4j31
Attaching to elasticsearch, neo4j31
neo4j31 | Starting Neo4j.
neo4j31 exited with code 137
My questions:
My docker-compose.yml is as follows:
version: '2'
# ---<SNIP>
image: neo4j:3.1
container_name: neo4j31
- ./docker/neo4j/conf:/var/lib/neo4j/conf
- ./docker/neo4j/mnt:/var/lib/neo4j/import
- ./docker/neo4j/plugins:/plugins
- ./docker/neo4j/data:/data
- ./docker/neo4j/logs:/var/lib/neo4j/logs
- "7474:7474"
- "7687:7687"
- NEO4J_dbms_memory_heap_maxSize=4G
# ---<SNIP>
Is this due to a Docker or an OSX limitation?
NO Increase the amount of available RAM to Docker to resolve this issue.
Is there a way I can modify these limits? If I drop the requested limit to 1GB, it will spin up, but still crashes once I run my heavy query (which is what caused the need for increased Heap space anyway).
The query that I'm running is a large-scale update across a lot of nodes (>150k) containing full-text attributes, so that they can be syncronised to ElasticSearch using the plug-in. Is there a way I can get Neo to step through doing, say, 500 nodes at a time, using only cypher (I'd rather avoid writing a script if I can, feels a little dirty for this).
N/A This is a NEO4J specific question. It might be better to seperate this from the Docker questions listed above.
3.The query that I'm running is a large-scale update across a lot of nodes (>150k) containing full-text attributes, so that they can be syncronised to ElasticSearch using the plug-in. Is there a way I can get Neo to step through doing, say, 500 nodes at a time, using only cypher (I'd rather avoid writing a script if I can, feels a little dirty for this).
You can do this with the help of apoc plugin for neo4j, more specifically apoc.periodic.iterate
or apoc.periodic.commit
If you will use apoc.periodic.commit
your first match should be specific like in example you mark which nodes have you already synced, because it sometimes fall in the loop:
call apoc.periodic.commit("
match (user:User) WHERE user.synced = false
with user limit {limit}
MERGE (city:City {name:user.city})
MERGE (user)-[:LIVES_IN]->(city)
SET user.synced =true
RETURN count(*)
If you use apoc.periodic.iterate
you can run it in parallel mode:
CALL apoc.periodic.iterate(
"MATCH (o:Order) WHERE o.date > '2016-10-13' RETURN o",
"with {o} as o MATCH (o)-[:HAS_ITEM]->(i) WITH o, sum(i.value) as value
CALL apoc.es.post(host-or-port,index-or-null,type-or-null,
query-or-null,payload-or-null) yield value return *", {batchSize:100, parallel:true})
Note that there is no need for second MATCH clause and apoc.es.post
is a function for apoc that can send post requests to elastic search.
see documentation for more info
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