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Node JS workers - any need for them?


Forgive my ignorance, but coming from a Django/Python background I can see the huge benefit of having a Celery queue working through the slower processes in the background whilst the web interface is updated as quick as possible.

However, with Node working asynchronously, is the use case for a queue system diminished hugely?

For example:

1 - a user posts something to the site, 2 - the site responds, then mails an administrator.

In Django, you'd send off the admin mail to a task, to be executed later, and then respond to the request. Celery sends the mail in the background.

In Node, you call your mailer, then respond to the request. The mailer then sends a callback to say DONE or not, by which point the user is already viewing the response.

So why would I use a queue with Node? I'm guessing when things are more complex than this - it seems that for trivial things like transactional mails, it's not necessary..

Or am I misunderstanding how it works!?

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Guy Bowden Avatar asked Feb 20 '13 13:02

Guy Bowden

People also ask

Why do we need worker threads?

Worker threads provide us with a way to run multiple threads under a single process. Apart from keeping the Event Loop free of time consuming CPU operations, we can also use a pool of worker threads to divide and execute heavy CPU operations in parallel to increase the performance of our Node.

When should I use worker threads?

Workers (threads) are useful for performing CPU-intensive JavaScript operations. They do not help much with I/O-intensive work. The Node. js built-in asynchronous I/O operations are more efficient than Workers can be.

What is the use of worker thread in Node js?

In Node. js, worker threads come handy when doing large JavaScript tasks. Worker makes it simple to run Javascript code in parallel using threads, making it considerably faster and more efficient. We can complete difficult jobs without disrupting the main thread.

Do people still use Node js?

Node. js development has become very popular over the last four years and continues to stand the competition in 2022 making startups worldwide choose it over other available options.

2 Answers

You're right, continuations are quite nice in node and if you're running everything in a single node process there is no immediate need for a queue. However, as node is single threaded, node won't be able to handle any new incoming requests while it's busy sending that email or processing that task (if it's a cpu intensive task)

So if your tasks take a while to process cpu wise, it might still be worthwhile using an external queue and a seperate process to handle those tasks/messages. If your tasks are io intensive and take a while because they are waiting for responses from other servers for example, then there's less of a need again as node deals well with io.

If you have a cpu intensive task, but you don't want to deploy a queue you could just create more node processes and machine instances and load balance across them, all letting them process these tasks. The disadvantage of this approach would be the you can't scale the website and background processing separately. (e.g. 5 instances dealing with web requests and a 2 worker instances)

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AndyD Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 17:10


No, there are always use cases for queues, even in the Node world. A basic approach that I've seen several people use to varying degrees of success is using a Redis backed queue to store messages or tasks. You may have one Node process adding items to the queue, with another Node instance processing items from the queue. In addition, take a look at the node modules list for queue modules, and you'll see a decent amount of implementations.

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naivedeveloper Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 19:10
