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No TestFlight invite email gets sent for internal users

People also ask

How do I resend an internal TestFlight invitation?

Next, go to 'Users and Roles' > 'TestFlight Beta Testers' > 'External' and delete users you want to resend invites to. After that add them as new external users to your build. After that new invites will be sent to them.

How do I get TestFlight email invites?

You should find an email with the subject line “Welcome New iTunes Connect User“ in your mailbox. All you have to do is click “activate your account“, once this is done, the tech developer will be able to send you a TestFlight invitation.

How do I add an internal tester to TestFlight?

To add Internal testers: Navigate back to your app in My Apps, select the TestFlight tab and click Internal Testing on the left-hand side; Now click the (+) sign next to the header Internal Testers; Check the box next to any eligible users who have not already been invited and click Add.

Can you use TestFlight without an Apple ID?

All of your testers must have an Apple ID since without one they cannot download and install the TestFlight app from the App Store, but you don't need to know what it is. You can add any email address as an external TestFlight tester. The email doesn't have to be an Apple ID.

For new builds on the same version, once the build becomes available, I had to turn OFF testing for that version and immediately turn it back on. This instantly sent an Update notification to TestFlightApp, emailed the testers, and allowed users install the new build.

TestFlight testing on/off switch

This is an outstanding bug. A report has been filed, see details below. To get Apple to address this issue sooner, please submit a similar report through https://bugreport.apple.com

Internal Tester Invite Bug Report

I've been round and round on this as well. What finally worked for me was to clear the internal tester status on the user, double check that the account was removed from the Internal / External list and then re-enable tester status for the user. Invite as an internal tester then worked for that user.

You have to fill the "What to Test" section. After you will be able to send invites for internal members.

I needed to resend the invitation email to an internal tester. The following work for me:

deselect the invited tester and save. this remove the invite. re-select the same tester and save. this added the tester and re-send the email.

Also, you have to click on the link in the email to see the update. Otherwise, the TestFlight app still shows no app available until you click on the link. I found the email was in the spam folder in the first place ...

This is an issue with TestFlight. As a workaround,

  1. Remove the existing testers
  2. Save
  3. Add them again
