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"No test result files matching **/*.trx were found" in Publish Test Result Task

I am running my automation Test in Azure pipeline and using NUnit VS Test adapter and Visual studio Test task. the .trx file is getting attached in the Test Run Summary. But in Publish test result task I could see the warning No test result files matching **/*.trx were found.

Build was successful but .trx file is not displayed in Publish test result task

Can you some help me what I am missing?

Publish Test Results task Cofiguration

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Pathma10f Avatar asked Jun 18 '19 13:06


1 Answers

Because the .trx file is not where you specified in the Publish task, the file generated in D:\a\_temp\.... while you specified to search in $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) that is D:\a\work\1\s.

But the truth that you don't need at all the Publish task. the Visual studio Task do it automatically.

So you can remove this task and you still will show the test results in Azure DevOps. See the docs here.

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Shayki Abramczyk Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 10:11

Shayki Abramczyk