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No test found. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again

You can try to change your default processor architecture in your Test Setting from X86 to X64. In my case this was the problem.

This happens if the platform target of your project under test is set to x64.

Screenshot of test settings

My build was not finding the tests either. My setup and solution for finding the tests are as follows.

I use VSTS (Visual Studio Team Services) and have a build that is configured to refresh the NUGET packages on every build. I am using NUnit and found that running the following NUGET command (from the package manager console in Visual Studio) to add NUnitTestAdapter library to my test project and the checking in the packages.config made the tests run in my VSTS build.

Install-Package NUnitTestAdapter

As Maurice mentions in the Comment to this post for NUnit3 use the following NUGET package (Look for other utils on the link. i.e: dotnet CLI and Paket CLI)

Install-Package NUnit3TestAdapter

Hope this helps.

In my case, I had to:

  1. Convert test project to netcore 2.0 (was netstandard 2.0)

  2. Add nuget package xunit.runner.visualstudio

Reference: http://www.neekgreen.com/2017/11/20/xunit-no-test-is-available/

I'm using MSTest. For me, it was version missmatch and missing another dependent package-

1) My package folder contains only MSTest.TestFramework.1.2.1 package. In my project file(.csproj) the reference in Target Name was MSTest.TestAdapter.1.2.0 package which was not present in package folder. My packages.config has also reference of MSTest.TestFramework.1.2.0 .

2) So I installed MSTest.TestAdapter.1.2.0 from nuget package manager and align MSTest.TestFramework version to 1.2.0 in project and package file. Finally I add Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.TestFramework and Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.TestFramework.Extensions in the reference.

Then everything was OK. Hope this help someone.

I got this error and was able to resolve it.

  1. I use Visual Studio Professional 2017
  2. In VS, I navigated to Tools --> Extensions And Updates
  3. At the top of the menu, I'd noticed that my NUnit adapter was disabled
  4. I clicked the [Enable] button
  5. I was able to initiate tests without errors.

This problem surfaces for Visual Studio 2017 again. Most likely another bug but the same outcome.

One workaround that seems to work is to uninstall Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Remote Debugger from the affected machine.

I ran into the same problem in VSTS with .Net 4.6.2. If you are seeing this from your VSTS console output, the workaround provided by @Sushil still works in VSTS and is needed. Unfortunately the "Test Assemblies" task provided by Microsoft passes, so you really don't even know there is a problem unless you check the output and find none of your tests actually executed!

VSTS Test Fix