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TDD vs. Unit testing [closed]

If the team is floundering at implementing TDD, but they weren't creating any Unit Tests before...then start them off by creating Unit Tests after their code is written. Even Unit tests written after the code are better than no Unit Tests at all!

Once they're proficient at Unit Testing (and everything that comes with it), then you can work on getting them to create the tests first...and code second.

It is absolutely still worth writing the unit tests after code is written. It's just that sometimes it's often harder because your code wasn't designed to be testable, and you may have overcomplicated it.

I think a good pragmatic way to bring a team into TDD is to provide the alternative method of "test-during development" in the transition period, or possibly in the long-term. They should be encouraged to TDD sections of code that seem natural to them. However, in sections of code that seem difficult to approach test-first or when using objects that are predetermined by a non-agile A&D process, developers can be given the option of writing a small section of the code, then writing tests to cover that code, and repeating this process. Writing unit tests for some code immediately after writing that code is better than not writing any unit tests at all.

It's in my humble opinion better to have 50% test coverage with "code first, test after" and a 100% completed library, than 100% test coverage and a 50% completed library with TDD. After a while, your fellow developers will hopefully find it entertaining and educational to write tests for all of the public code they write, so TDD will sneak its way into their development routine.

I just read this on a calendar: "Every rule, executed to its utmost, becomes ridiculous or even dangerous." So my suggestion is not to be religious about it. Every member of your team must find a balance between what they feel "right" when it comes to testing. This way, every member of your team will be most productive (instead of, say, thinking "why do I have to write this sti**** test??").

So some tests are better than none, tests after the code are better than few tests and testing before the code is better than after. But each step has its own merits and you shouldn't frown upon even small steps.