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No suitable records were found verify your bundle identifier is correct

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What is a bundle identifier?

A bundle ID or bundle identifier uniquely identifies an application in Apple's ecosystem. This means that no two applications can have the same bundle identifier. To avoid conflicts, Apple encourages developers to use reverse domain name notation for choosing an application's bundle identifier.

How do I find my bundle ID?

To locate the Apple bundle ID:Log into your iTunes Connect account. Click the relevant app. Go to General > App Information. The Bundle ID is displayed.

Just found the Error. I used one capital letter in bundle id. but I have used small letters in Xcode's bundle id. now I changed that as like in the app id. and now I successfully uploaded my app to Appstore Connect.

generally this happens when you have not created your app from apple developer account->iTunes Connect->Click on My App->click on plus sign (+)->New App->And fill up the whole info and Choose Your Bundle Id for the app you are uploading now.

Just check that app you configured on iTuneconnect is having same bundle identifier that you are using to upload app.

URL: https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/apps

iTunes Connect || App Store Connect (website):

In your browser, go to iTunes connect/ App Store Connect.

  1. Add your New App / edit your existing app.
  2. Go to App information.
  3. Check the Bundle ID name.
  4. If there is no bundle ID, make sure you create one.
  5. I used the WildCard bundle ID. That means, your complete bundle ID is likely to be com.organizationName.* and the suffix (exampleApp). Xcode:
  6. Go to your Workspace / Project.
  7. Go to your project.
  8. Select the General Tab.

Ensure the Bundle Identifier is the name you set in iTunes Connect.

For example: com.orgnanizationName.appName

It seems you have to start the App Store submission process in iTunesConnect.

App Store Connect Icon Add App