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"No such file or directory" error in CodeBlocks




Here is the steps I followed in CodeBlocks IDE:

Create a new project->console->C->Name->debug and release->finish

So when I choose main.c and build it, It should show the "Hello World!", but I get this weird mingw32-gcc.exe: error: CreateProcess: No such file or directory error.

I've written and compiled about 20 C files this way, but I don't know what has recently happened to the IDE.

I've checked the CodeBlocks forum and googled this problem;No results
Any ideas?

Bulid Log:

-------------- Build: Debug in C (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler)---------------

mingw32-gcc.exe -Wall  -g     -c "C:...\Project Files\C Codes\C\main.c" -o obj\Debug\main.o
mingw32-gcc.exe: error: CreateProcess: No such file or directory
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 0 seconds)
1 errors, 0 warnings (0 minutes, 0 seconds)

I used CodeBlocks 10.02 three days ago and it compiled and ran the code successfully. It showed this error yesterday. I thought that maybe the code file wasn't included so I removed the previous code from the project and added the new file (I do like this for about 20 programs and always get results); but the error still exists. Then I rebuilt the project but still got the error. I uninstalled ver.10.02 and installed a new version 12.11 today. Again I get this weird error.

P.S. It looks like someone else have had this problem too:
mingw32-g++.exe: error: CreateProcess: No such file or directory

like image 368
Zeta.Investigator Avatar asked Jun 29 '13 07:06


People also ask

How do you resolve No such file or directory in CodeBlocks?

To avoid such an error, the first thing after creating a new project in Code Blocks you need to compile the program "Hello World!", which is written by default in each new project. The fact is that if this is not done, it will not exist .exe file in Debug and Release folders.

Why compiler is not working in CodeBlocks?

It is generally due to non availability of compiler or Codeblocks is not properly configured to use the compiler. Best way is to uninstall the current codeblocks and download the version with compiler included. It will be around 80–100MB in size. Install it and most probably your problem will be solved.

How do I enable error boxes in CodeBlocks?

1. Do one of the following: On the Program menu, select Check for Errors. On the toolbar, click the Check for Errors button.

2 Answers

Got it finally:

In my case, the problem resulted from a program called EGCS (Experimental/Enhanced GNU Compiler System). I installed it as a prerequisite for PSCAD(Power Systems CAD) along with a FORTRAN Compiler. Just remove it, and you'll be fine.
(Sadly, I deleted the entire PATH environmental variable due to a mistake. So what?...I ended up installing a new Win7 but after uninstalling my Ubuntu which again due to the Boot difficulties which resulted from uninstalling GRUB, I again ended up messing around with fixmbr and fixboot fellas(But I've lost my Laptop DVD!)...In summary, The EGCS laughed at me for a 0.5*MONTH...)

For more information about such problems visit here(Code::Blocks Forum)

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Zeta.Investigator Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 00:09


Codeblocks seems to be calling gcc correct -- I'm not seeing anything wrong with the way it's being invoked. The error message you're getting:

gcc.exe: error: CreateProcess: No such file or directory

indicates that there is something wrong with your installation of mingw-gcc. Since you said that this was working previously, that likely means some files required for gcc to function are either corrupted, inadvertently renamed, moved elsewhere or accidentally deleted.

In fact, I was able to reproduce that exact error by renaming cc1.exe. This is the C compiler that gcc needs to able to compile a C source file. On my install for Mingw-4.6.3, this resides under ./libexec/gcc/i686-w64-mingw32/4.6.3. Yours may be different depending on which mingw version and variant you're using.

I recommend downloading and reinstalling your copy of gcc altogether since fixing this manually can be tricky.

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greatwolf Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 00:09
