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No results in Django Haystack search

I've read the getting started documentation and several other examples on the web. And this is what my search_indexes.py looks like:

from haystack.indexes import *
from haystack import site
from models import Entry

class EntryIndex(SearchIndex):
    text = CharField(document=True)
    headline = CharField(model_attr='headline')
    subheadline = CharField(model_attr='subheadline')
    category = CharField(model_attr='category__name')

    author = CharField(model_attr='get_author')
    email = CharField(model_attr='get_email')

    tags = CharField(model_attr='tags')

    content = CharField(model_attr='content')

    def get_queryset(self):
        return Entry.objects.exclude(dt_published=None).order_by('-is_featured', '-dt_published', '-dt_written', 'headline')

site.register(Entry, EntryIndex)

But when I search, I get no results. Strangely though if I use the search phrase 'a' or any other single letter, I get what looks like every single entry in the damn thing.

Anyway... It looks to me like the search engine isn't looking in any of the fields. :/

Anything below this line is less relevant (it works, trust me):

My view:

from haystack.views import SearchView

class CustomSearchView(SearchView):
    def __name__(self):
        return "CustomSearchView"

    def extra_context(self):
        return common(self.request)

def search(request):
    return CustomSearchView(template='news/search_results.html')(request)

And search_results.html:

{% extends "content.html" %}
{% load tagging_tags %}
{% load highlight %}

{% block title %}Viðskiptablaðið - Leitarniðurstöður{% endblock %}

{% block left_content %}


<form method="get">
        {{ form.as_table }}
                <input type="submit" value="Search">

    {% if query %}

        {% for result in page.object_list %}
            {% highlight result.summary with request.GET.q %}
            {% highlight result.object.headline with request.GET.q %}
                <a href="{{ result.object.get_absolute_url }}">{{ result.object.headline }}</a>
        {% empty %}
            <p>No results found.</p>
        {% endfor %}

        {% if page.has_previous or page.has_next %}
                {% if page.has_previous %}<a href="?q={{ query }}&amp;page={{ page.previous_page_number }}">{% endif %}&laquo; Previous{% if page.has_previous %}</a>{% endif %}
                {% if page.has_next %}<a href="?q={{ query }}&amp;page={{ page.next_page_number }}">{% endif %}Next &raquo;{% if page.has_next %}</a>{% endif %}
        {% endif %}
    {% else %}
        {# Show some example queries to run, maybe query syntax, something else? #}
    {% endif %}

{% endblock %}
like image 345
demux Avatar asked Oct 01 '10 16:10


1 Answers

ok, it is in the documentation but I feel it's not clear enough.

What you have to do is to declare somehow the data to be searched (i thought that was the whole point of:

headline = CharField(model_attr='headline')
subheadline = CharField(model_attr='subheadline')


ok, enough crying.

All you have to do is

text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)

and then make a template, in my case:


{{ object.headline }}
{{ object.subheadline }}
{{ object.get_author }}
{{ object.get_email }}
{{ object.category.name }}
{{ object.tags }}
{{ object.content }}

Beautiul, it works.

like image 153
demux Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 10:11
