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no registered handler for URL scheme itms-apps - Rate button Simulator

I'm making RATE button for iPad Pro. When tapping on Rate Button, the debug area shows...

LaunchServices: ERROR: There is no registered handler for URL scheme itms-apps


[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"itms-apps://itunes.apple.com/app/id12345678"]];


Why am I getting a "no registered handler for URL scheme" error when I have a URL present in code?

like image 978
HELLO Avatar asked Nov 23 '15 22:11


People also ask

How do I find the URL scheme of an app?

Go to the Play store, find the app and view its page. Copy the URL from the browser address bar. Make a note of this as the "Android Fallback URL." You'll see a parameter called "id" followed by an equal sign (=).

What is ITMS Appss?

First of all itms and itms-apps are defined Apple URL Schemes and they are only linked immediately to their specific app as you said itms will open iTunes Store and itms-apps will open the App Store.(if they exist)

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ios9 - iOS 9 LaunchServices: ERROR: There is no registered handler for URL scheme itms-services - Stack Overflow We have some in-house apps and before iOS 9, the apps will open a link like "itms-services://" after version compare, the new version apps will be downloaded and install.

Does the App Store URL scheme work on the simulator?

The URL you're using is correct. BUT if you're trying this on the simulator it won't work and it will show that exact error. The App Store app URL Scheme only works on a device. Show activity on this post.

Is there any official documentation for ITMS-apps URL scheme?

They confirmed that there is no official documentation regarding the itms-apps URL scheme, and that there is no guarantee about engineering side changes. But they suggested I use the format itms-apps://itunes.apple.com/<store name>/developer/<developer name>/id<id number>.

Is there an App Store URL scheme for iOS 12?

But on iOS 11, 10, 9 url scheme to app store (itms-apps://) works. The old URL doesn't work in the iOS 12 public release either. But I found that replacing "artist" with "developer" does work on iOS 12: "itms-apps://itunes.apple.com/ developer /id463855590"

2 Answers

The URL you're using is correct. BUT if you're trying this on the simulator it won't work and it will show that exact error. The App Store app URL Scheme only works on a device.

like image 199
Alejandro Cotilla Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10

Alejandro Cotilla

You cannot connect to the ios (iPhone operating software) app store if you are on the simulator. This url wont work because you are not on a ios device. Ios devices only can connect to the ios app store.

like image 37
MazzaMan Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10
