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No matching provisioning profiles found for WatchKit extension when submitting to App Store

I'm using xcode 6.3

xcode had created a provisioning profile "xxx.xxx.xxx.watchkitextension" automatically, in the code signing of watchkit extension target, I've tried choosing this profile or leaving it Automatic, they all giving me this error "Failed to locate or generate matching signing assets" when I submit it to App Store.

enter image description here

Any ideas? thanks.

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Keoros Avatar asked Apr 09 '15 16:04


2 Answers

This problem looks similar to this question. Submit WatchKit Provisioning Error

I had the same problem. Here is the solution that worked for me.

Technical Q&A QA1830 The beta-reports-active Entitlement Q: How do I resolve the "beta-reports-active" code signing error? https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/qa/qa1830/_index.html

I had to regenerate the "Distribution" Provisioning Profile that I was using to submit my entire app, before I included the WatchKit extension. Specifically, these steps fixed my problem:

I logged onto developer.apple.com, selected "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles".

  1. On the Certs IDs & Profiles website > Provisioning Profiles page, click the App Store profile.
  2. Click 'Edit'
  3. Click 'Generate'
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Alex D Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 23:09

Alex D

Following steps help me out: 1.Make sure "App Groups" in Capabilities page in Container target and Extension target.

2.Goto Xcode > Preferences > Accounts > YOUR_ACCOUNT > View Details ..., CTRL+Click one of the Profiles and open in Finder. Move all Profiles to Trash.

3.Open "App Groups" in Container target and Extension target. Xcode will generate two profiles for you, just like iOSTeam Provisioning Profile: YOURAPPID and iOSTeam Provisioning Profile: YOURAPPID.watchkitextension. (Make sure your container target and WatchKit App target choose the first one as PP,and your extension target choose the second one).

4.If everything goes well, you can do whatever build, run and submit.

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Paradise Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09
