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No manual pdf created during build of R package

I see that my recent package build no longer creates a manual even though I have not added "--no-manual" to the build settings. I didn't have this problem before - I have recently updated both devtools and roxygen2.

Am I missing something?

Here is how I set my project options:

enter image description here

like image 817
Marc in the box Avatar asked Jul 22 '16 08:07

Marc in the box

1 Answers

A solution would just be to run $ R CMD Rd2pdf <package name> if the package is already built, or uncheck Use devtools package functions if available

devtools box

For whatever reason, devtools injects --as-cran --no-manual into the build process, even though you don't specify it as a user (you can see this in your build log in RStudio).

like image 92
Randy Zwitch Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 04:10

Randy Zwitch