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“No files were changed or added since the last commit. There's nothing for TortoiseSVN to do here...”

We are using Tortoise SVN and have come to a problem when trying to commit modified files. When we try to commit the file svn does not recognise that it has been modified or added and displays “No files were changed or added since the last commit. There's nothing for TortoiseSVN to do here...” The only way we can now commit one file is to go out to the folder and select “check for modifications” and then click to commit. If the check for modifications is done in the folder then is again says there are no modifications. We have also tried to create a fresh working copy and commit from there, however the problem occurs here too. We have tried copying the svn file incase it was corrupt but this did not help. We use the SVN icons to show when a file has been modified – these icons are still working correctly. We have searched for an answer to why this has happened and how to fix. Please could anyone spread any light on the matter.

like image 431
Rachel Eves Avatar asked Apr 01 '11 15:04

Rachel Eves

1 Answers

From the FAQ:

If you have modified a file, but TortoiseSVN does not recognize that the file has been modified, please first check whether the file really differs from what you have in your working copy.

If you know for sure that the file has modifications and it still does not show up as modified in the commit dialog, make sure that

  • the file 'last modification' date has changed (some tools like hex editors like to reset that time)
  • if the svn:eol-style property is set and the changes are only to newlines, the file won't show up as modified because for Subversion it hasn't changed

Subversion determines whether a file has changed with the following approach:

  1. has the 'last modification' date and/or the file size changed?
  2. if not: file is not modified
  3. if yes: compare file content with the BASE file
  4. stop at the first byte that differs, mark the file as modified
  5. if no byte differs regarding to BASE, mark the file as not-modified
like image 156
Stefan Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 19:11
