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TeamCity is not retrieving all files from SubVersion




I'm in the process of setting up a QA server using TeamCity. I've just added a project and its configuration to TeamCity, but have noticed that it's not getting all the files from one of the VCS roots I have set up.

Other projects are not having this problem, and neither is this projects failing to retrieve any files at all from the root in question. It is a small number of DLL files in the /website/bin subdirectory of the VCS root in question.

The build log doesn't hint at there being any problems here:

[11:43:46]: [Updating sources: server side checkout...] Building incremental patch for VCS root: website-static

is all the log mentions.

Compiling doesn't have any problems, and only when the site, which is built on Umbraco, is browsed to, does the fact that Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.dll (amongst others) has not been retrieved come to light.

There are other Umbraco based sites already set up on this server that are not experiencing this.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what might be going on, or at least where I could start looking?

Many thanks in advance.

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Andrew Arnott Avatar asked May 13 '11 11:05

Andrew Arnott

Video Answer

1 Answers

Sometimes you have to kick it to make it run. :-) When we experience this type of behaviour, we select "Enforce clean checkout" in the build configuration view, and then press Run again.

enter image description here

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Niklas Wulff Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 02:10

Niklas Wulff