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no default constructor exists for class x (inheritance) C++



I have the following three headers:


class IBaseStates
    enum STATE;

    virtual void Update( STATE state ) = 0;


#pragma once

#include "IBaseStates.h"
#include "Player.h"

class PlayerStates : public IBaseStates, public Player
    enum STATE {

    int textureAmount;

    ~PlayerStates( );

    void Update( STATE state );


#pragma once

#include "StructVertex.h"
#include "SquareVertices.h"
#include "WICTextureLoader.h"

using namespace Microsoft::WRL;
using namespace DirectX;
//using namespace DirectX;

class Player : public SquareVertices
    Player( ComPtr<ID3D11Device1> d3dDevice );

    void Initialize();
    void Update();

    float x;
    float y;
    float z;
    float rotation;
    float velocity;

    ComPtr<ID3D11Buffer> vertexbuffer;
    ComPtr<ID3D11Buffer> indexbuffer;
    ComPtr<ID3D11ShaderResourceView> texture[3];
    const ComPtr<ID3D11Device1> d3dDevice;

Why when I define a constructor for my PlayerStates class in my PlayerStates.cpp file do I get

no default constructor exists for class Player


#include "pch.h"
#include "PlayerStates.h"

    textureAmount( 3 )
like image 415
Jimmyt1988 Avatar asked Jan 08 '14 21:01


People also ask

What happens if there is no default constructor?

A default constructor is a constructor that either has no parameters, or if it has parameters, all the parameters have default values. If no user-defined constructor exists for a class A and one is needed, the compiler implicitly declares a default parameterless constructor A::A() .

Can a class have no default constructor?

No default constructor is created for a class that has any constant or reference type members. A constructor of a class A is trivial if all the following are true: It is implicitly defined. A has no virtual functions and no virtual base classes.

Do you need to have a default constructor C++?

For example, all members of class type, and their class-type members, must have a default constructor and destructors that are accessible. All data members of reference type and all const members must have a default member initializer.

1 Answers

When you declare a non-default constructor for a class, the compiler does not generate a default one anymore. So you have to provide your own.

PlayerStates needs to call a default constructor of its base class Player in its own default constructor. So you either need to provide Player with a default constructor, or call it's non-default constructor from PlayerStates' default constructor initialization list.

This implicitly calls Player::Player().

PlayerStates::PlayerStates() : textureAmount( 3 ) {}

This calls the single argument constructor:

PlayerStates::PlayerStates() : Player(someComPtr), textureAmount( 3 ) {}
like image 169
juanchopanza Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 03:11
