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Ninject working with WCF Web API Preview 5

Can anybody point me in the right direction to get Ninject working with WCF Web API Preview 5? I have it successfully up and running in my ASP.NET MVC 3 project and also in another internal WCF Service using the Ninject.Extensions.Wcf library. However I cannot get it to work when creating a new MVC 3 project and getting the WebApi.All library from NuGet.

I have looked at this stackoverflow post Setting up Ninject with the new WCF Web API but cannot get it working which I believe could be to do with some of the changes in the latest release.

I am also unsure which Ninject Libraries to reference beyond the main one. Do I use the Ninject.MVC3 , Ninject.Extensions.Wcf.

Any help on this would be much appreciated.


Code I am using which is from the answer in the question mentioned above. I have this in its own class file.

   public class NinjectResourceFactory : IResourceFactory
        private readonly IKernel _kernel;

        public NinjectResourceFactory(IKernel kernel)
            _kernel = kernel;

        public object GetInstance(Type serviceType, InstanceContext instanceContext, HttpRequestMessage request)
            return _kernel.Get(serviceType);

        public void ReleaseInstance(InstanceContext instanceContext, object service)
            // no op

This I have in my global.asax:

var configuration = HttpConfiguration.Create().SetResourceFactory(new NinjectResourceFactory());
RouteTable.Routes.MapServiceRoute<myResource>("resource", configuration);

The issue I am having is that the IResourceFactory interface is not recognised and that the HttpConfiguration.Create() no longer exists so I need to set the SetResourceFactory some other way which I have tried to do using the HttpConfiguration().CreateInstance method but no joy.

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Cragly Avatar asked Sep 29 '11 19:09


3 Answers

Following is my code with Ninject and WebApi,it works. Create a class inherites from WebApiConfiguration

public class NinjectWebApiConfiguration : WebApiConfiguration {
    private IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel();

    public NinjectWebApiConfiguration() {
        CreateInstance = (serviceType, context, request) => kernel.Get(serviceType);

    private void AddBindings() {


and use the NinjectWebApiConfiguration in RegisterRoutes

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) {


    var config = new NinjectWebApiConfiguration() { 
        EnableTestClient = true

    routes.MapServiceRoute<ContactsApi>("api/contacts", config);
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zanewill Avatar answered Dec 09 '22 15:12


In P5 you have to derive from WebApiConfiguration and use your derived configuration:

public class NinjectConfiguration : WebApiConfiguration
        public NinjectConfiguration(IKernel kernel)
            CreateInstance((t, i, m) =>
                return kernel.Get(t);
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Alexander Zeitler Avatar answered Dec 09 '22 17:12

Alexander Zeitler

There are great answers to the question here but I would like to show you the way with default WebApi configuration:

    protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) {

        RouteTable.Routes.SetDefaultHttpConfiguration(new Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Http.WebApiConfiguration() { 
            CreateInstance = (serviceType, context, request) => GetKernel().Get(serviceType)


    private IKernel GetKernel() { 

        IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel();


        return kernel;

The below blog post talks a little bit about Ninject integration on WCF Web API:


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tugberk Avatar answered Dec 09 '22 16:12
