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Nice way to add number to element in Scala map if key exists or insert new element it not

I know about couple of similar questions. They don't help me - code does not work if there is no existing key.

I need just some nice approach to append Map with value adding it to existing key (if it does exist) or putting as NEW key (if map does not contain appropriate key).

Following code works but I don't like it:

val a = collection.mutable.Map(("k1" -> 1), ("k2" -> 5))
val key = "k1"

val elem = a.get(key)
if (elem == None) {
    a += ("k5" -> 200)
} else {
    a.update(key, elem.get + 5)

Any point to better one? Current Scala version is 2.10.4 and I cannot currently switch to 2.11. Mutable map is not 100% limitation but preferred.

Here is, for example, similar question but I also need to account case of non-existing key which is not accounted there. At least we should understand a.get(key) could be None or add some better approach. Good idea was |+| but I'd like to keep basic Scala 2.10.x.

like image 417
Roman Nikitchenko Avatar asked Feb 07 '15 20:02

Roman Nikitchenko

People also ask

How do I add values to a map in Scala?

Adding new key-value pair We can insert new key-value pairs in a mutable map using += operator followed by new pairs to be added or updated.

How do you check if a key exists in a map in Scala?

Scala map contains() method with example It checks whether the stated map contains a binding for a key or not. Where, k is the key. Return Type: It returns true if there is a binding for the key in the map stated else returns false.

Which of the following method can be used to add replace an element from a map in Scala?

Solution. Add elements to a mutable map by simply assigning them, or with the += method.

Can Scala map have duplicate keys?

Scala Map is a collection of Key-value pair. A map cannot have duplicate keys but different keys can have same values i.e keys are unique whereas values can be duplicate.

2 Answers

The shortest way to do that:

a += a.get(key).map(x => key -> (x + 5)).getOrElse("k5" -> 200)

In general:

a += a.get(k).map(f).map(k -> _).getOrElse(kv)

Same if your dictionary is immutable:

m + m.get(k).map(f).map(k -> _).getOrElse(kv)

so I don't see any reason to use mutable collection here.

If you don't like all these Option.map things:

m + (if (m.contains(k)) k -> f(m(k)) else kv)

Note, that there is a whole class of possible variations:

k1 -> f(m(k1)) else k2 -> v2 //original
k1 -> f(m(k1)) else k1 -> v2
k1 -> f(m(k2)) else k2 -> v2
k1 -> f(m(k2)) else k1 -> v2
k2 -> v2 else k1 -> f(m(k1)) 
k1 -> v2 else k1 -> f(m(k1))
k2 -> v2 else k1 -> f(m(k2))
k1 -> v2 else k1 -> f(m(k2))
... //v2 may also be a function from some key's value

So, Why it's not a standard function? IMO, because all variations still can be implemented as one-liners. If you want library with all functions, that can be implemented as one-liners, you know, it's Scalaz :).

P.S. If yu also wonder why there is no "update(d) if persist" function - see @Rex Kerr 's answer here

like image 78
dk14 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10


You can create you own function for that purpose:

def addOrUpdate[K, V](m: collection.mutable.Map[K, V], k: K, kv: (K, V), 
                      f: V => V) {
  m.get(k) match {
    case Some(e) => m.update(k, f(e))
    case None    => m += kv

addOrUpdate(a, "k1", "k5" -> 200, (v: Int) => v + 5)
like image 36
Jean Logeart Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10

Jean Logeart