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Scala - convert Array[String] to Array[Double]

I am a newbie to functional programming language and I am learning it in Scala for a University project.

This may seem simple, but I am unable to find enough help online for this or a straightforward way of doing this - how can I convert an Array[String] to Array[Double]? I have a CSV file which, when read into the REPL is interpreted as String values (each line of the file has a mix of integer and string values) which would return a type Array[String]. I want to encode the string values with a double/int values to return Array[Double] in order to make the array homogeneous. Is there a straightforward way of doing this? Any guidance will be much appreciated.

What I have done until now is:

def retrieveExamplesFromFile(fileName : String) : Array[Array[String]] = {
  val items = for {
    line <- Source.fromFile(fileName).getLines()
    entries = line.split(",")
    } yield entries

  return items.toArray

The format of each line (returned as String[]) is so:

[[1.0, 2.0, item1], [5, 8.9, item2],....]

And to convert each line in the CSV file into double array, I only have a psuedo definition drafted so:

def generateNumbersForStringValues(values : Array[String]) : Array[Double] = {
val line = for(item <- values)
    //correct way?
    item.replace("item1", "1.0")
    item.replace("item2", "1.0")    
return //unable to typecast/convert

Any ideas are welcome. Thank you for your time.

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Sharadha Jayaraman Avatar asked Feb 28 '15 18:02

Sharadha Jayaraman

3 Answers

You probably want to use map along with toDouble:

values.map(x => x.toDouble)

Or more concisely:


And for the fallback for non-double strings, you might consider using the Try monad (in scala.util):

values.map(x => Try(x.toDouble).getOrElse(1.0))

If you know what each line will look like, you could also do pattern matching:

values map { 
    case Array(a, b, c) => Array(a.toDouble, b.toDouble, 1.0)
like image 87
Ben Reich Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 00:10

Ben Reich

Expanding on @DaunnC's comment, you can use the Try utility to do this and pattern match on the result so you can avoid calling get or wrapping your result in an Option:

import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}

def main = {
  val maybeDoubles = Array("5", "1.0", "8.5", "10.0", "item1", "item2")

  val convertDoubles = maybeDoubles.map { x =>

  val convertedArray = convertDoubles.map {
    _ match {
      case Success(res) => res
      case Failure(f) => 1.0


This allows you to pattern match on the result of Try, which is always either a Success or Failure, without having to call get or otherwise wrap your results.

Here is some more information on Try courtesy of Mauricio Linhares: https://mauricio.github.io/2014/02/17/scala-either-try-and-the-m-word.html

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Joseph Sawyer Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 22:10

Joseph Sawyer

You mean to convert all strings to double with a fallback to 1.0 for all inconvertible strings? That would be:

val x = Array(
  Array("1.0", "2.0", "item1"),
  Array("5", "8.9", "item2"))

x.map( _.map { y =>
  try {
  } catch {
    case _: NumberFormatException => 1.0
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Lodewijk Bogaards Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 22:10

Lodewijk Bogaards