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NHibernate SaveOrUpdate Child Collection Not Updated With Identity Ids

I am clearly missing something (hopefully obvious), and I have had no luck with Google so far.

I have a Parent-Child relationship mapped as follows

Simplified Parent Map

  public sealed class ParentMap : ClassMap<ParentEntity>
    public ParentMap()
      Component(x => x.Thumbprint);
      Id(x => x.Id).GeneratedBy.Identity();

      Map(x => x.ServeralNotNullableProperties).Not.Nullable();

      HasMany(x => x.Children).KeyColumn("ChildId")

      References(x => x.SomeUnrelatedLookupColumn).Column("LookupColumnId").Not.Nullable();

Simplified Child Map

  public sealed class ChildMap : ClassMap<ChildEntity>
    public ChildMap()
      Component(x => x.Thumbprint);
      Id(x => x.Id).GeneratedBy.Identity();

      Map(x => x.MoreNotNullableProperties).Not.Nullable();

      References(x => x.Parent).Column("ParentId").Not.Nullable();

Simplified Service Method Steps

I then have a service method that retrieves Parent and adds a new Child via some domain method. The underlying NHibernate code boils down to:

1) Session Opened on WCF AfterReceiveRequest (IDispatchMessageInspector)


2) Retrieve existing instance of parent via .Query

        .Where(item => item.Id == parentId)
        .Fetch(item => item.SomeLookupColumn)

3) Add new 'Child' entity to 'Parent' via domain object method such as...

public ChildEntity CreateChild()
  var child = new ChildEntity{ Parent = this };


  return child;

4) Ultimately calls SaveOrUpdate on 'Parent' entity.

 // ChildEntity Id is 0
 // Expect ChildEntity Id to NOT be 0

Note: Use of SaveOrUpdate Does persist changes to database; use of Merge results in TransientObjectException mentioned below.

5) Finally, transaction committed on WCF BeforeSendReply (IDispatchMessageInspector)


The Problem

Typically when an entity is saved, after the call to SaveOrUpdate, the Id of said entity refects the Identity generated by the INSERT statement. However, when I add a new child entity to an existing parent, the associated entity in Children does not get assigned an Id. I need to pass this Id back to the caller so subsequent calls result in UPDATES and not additional INSERTS.

Why is NHibernate not updating the underlying entity? Do I explicitly have to call SaveOrUpdate on the child (that sucks if that is the case)?

Any thoughts on the matter greatly appreciated. Thanks!

EDIT I should note, that the new child entity IS being saved as expected; I just don't get back the Id assigned.

UPDATE Tried switching to .Merge(~) as suggested by Michael Buen below; resulting in a TransientObjectException telling me to explicitly save my modified child entity before calling merge. I also experimented with .Persist(~) to no avail. Any additional insight greatly appreciated.

object is an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before merging: My.NameSpace.ChildEntity

like image 693
Chris Baxter Avatar asked Apr 12 '11 01:04

Chris Baxter

1 Answers

You could call session.Flush(), which performs the inserts on the database. This is not ideal because of the impact to performance.

like image 105
Stefan Steinegger Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 18:10

Stefan Steinegger