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nhibernate not saving foreign key Id

I have a simple model I'm attempting to persist using fluent-nhibernate:

public class Person
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public IList<Address> Addresses { get; set; }

public class Address
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int PersonId { get; set; }
    public string Street { get; set; }        

Some sample data:

var person = new Person() {Name = "Name1", Addresses = new[]
        new Address { Street = "Street1"},
        new Address { Street = "Street2"}

When I call session.SaveOrUpdate(person) both objects are persisted but the foreign key is not saved in the Address table:

enter image description here

What am I doing wrong? My mappings overrides are as follows:

public class PersonOverrides : IAutoMappingOverride<Person>
    public void Override(AutoMapping<Person> mapping)
        mapping.Id(x => x.Id);
        mapping.HasMany(x => x.Addresses).KeyColumn("PersonId").Cascade.All();            

public class AddressOverrides : IAutoMappingOverride<Address>
    public void Override(AutoMapping<Address> mapping)
        mapping.Id(x => x.Id);               

Please note, I plan on using List<Address> in other entities and I don't want to add an Address.Person property.


I've got this to 'work' by replacing Address.PersonId with Address.Person but I don't want the Address to have a Person property, as I don't want that circular reference. Also, when inserting the above object looking at the logs nHibernate appears to 1) insert Person 2) insert Address with NULL PersonId 3) update Address with PersonId (when flushing) when really steps 2 & 3 can be done at the same time? This causes another issue if NULL is disallowed on Address.PersonId

UPDATE 2 Removing the property Address.PersonId results in PersonId becoming populated in the database. nHibernate doesnt like me providing my own PersonId that its clearly using internally for inserting/retrieving records. So really I want to flag my Address.PersonId with a 'hey this isnt a standalone field its the field you're going to use down the track please done treat it specially' flag. Also, as above, nHibernate appears to insert NULL into the PersonId column (when Saveing) and THEN update it afterwards (when Flushing) ??

like image 331
wal Avatar asked Apr 27 '12 02:04


1 Answers

I simulate your problem situation, the child with null parent key upon insert which then is updated later with the right parent key.

select nextval ('person_person_id_seq')
select nextval ('person_person_id_seq')
select nextval ('phone_number_phone_number_id_seq')
select nextval ('phone_number_phone_number_id_seq')
select nextval ('phone_number_phone_number_id_seq')
select nextval ('phone_number_phone_number_id_seq')
INSERT INTO person (lastname, firstname, person_id) VALUES (((E'McCartney')::text), ((E'Paul')::text), ((109)::int4))
INSERT INTO person (lastname, firstname, person_id) VALUES (((E'Lennon')::text), ((E'John')::text), ((110)::int4))
INSERT INTO phone_number (the_phone_number, person_id, phone_number_id) VALUES (((E'9')::text), ((NULL)::int4), ((306)::int4))
INSERT INTO phone_number (the_phone_number, person_id, phone_number_id) VALUES (((E'8')::text), ((NULL)::int4), ((307)::int4))
INSERT INTO phone_number (the_phone_number, person_id, phone_number_id) VALUES (((E'6')::text), ((NULL)::int4), ((308)::int4))
INSERT INTO phone_number (the_phone_number, person_id, phone_number_id) VALUES (((E'1')::text), ((109)::int4), ((309)::int4))
UPDATE phone_number SET person_id = ((110)::int4) WHERE phone_number_id = ((306)::int4)
UPDATE phone_number SET person_id = ((110)::int4) WHERE phone_number_id = ((307)::int4)
UPDATE phone_number SET person_id = ((110)::int4) WHERE phone_number_id = ((308)::int4)
UPDATE phone_number SET person_id = ((110)::int4) WHERE phone_number_id = ((309)::int4)

On absence of Inverse...

public class PersonMap : ClassMap<Person>
    public PersonMap ()
        Id (x => x.PersonId).GeneratedBy.Sequence("person_person_id_seq");

        Map (x => x.Lastname).Not.Nullable();
        Map (x => x.Firstname).Not.Nullable();

        // No Inverse
        HasMany(x => x.PhoneNumbers).Cascade.All ();

public class PhoneNumberMap : ClassMap<PhoneNumber>     
    public PhoneNumberMap ()
        References(x => x.Person);          

        Id (x => x.PhoneNumberId).GeneratedBy.Sequence("phone_number_phone_number_id_seq");

        Map (x => x.ThePhoneNumber).Not.Nullable();                       

...it's the parent's responsibility to own the child entities.

That's why even you didn't indicate Inverse to the child (collection) and the child don't have any predefined parent, your child is seemingly able to persist itself properly...

public static void Main (string[] args)
    var sess = Mapper.GetSessionFactory().OpenSession();

    var tx = sess.BeginTransaction();

    var jl = new Person { Firstname = "John", Lastname = "Lennon", PhoneNumbers = new List<PhoneNumber>() };
    var pm = new Person { Firstname = "Paul", Lastname = "McCartney", PhoneNumbers = new List<PhoneNumber>() };

    // Notice that we didn't indicate Parent key(e.g. Person = jl) for ThePhoneNumber 9.       
    // If we don't have Inverse, it's up to the parent entity to own the child entities
    jl.PhoneNumbers.Add(new PhoneNumber { ThePhoneNumber = "9" });
    jl.PhoneNumbers.Add(new PhoneNumber { ThePhoneNumber = "8" });
    jl.PhoneNumbers.Add(new PhoneNumber { ThePhoneNumber = "6" });

    jl.PhoneNumbers.Add(new PhoneNumber { Person = pm, ThePhoneNumber = "1" });

    sess.Save (pm);
    sess.Save (jl);                     


...,hence we can say that with the absence of Inverse attribute, our object graph's persistability is just a fluke; on a database with a good design, it's paramount that our data is consistent, that is it's a must that we should never indicate nullable on child's foreign keys, especially if that child is tightly coupled to parent. And in the scenario above, even if ThePhoneNumber "1" indicates Paul McCartney as its parent, John Lennon will later own that PhoneNumber, as it is included in John's children entities; this is the nature of not tagging the children entities with Inverse, a parent is aggressive to own all children entities that belong to it, even if the child wanted to belong to other parent. With no Inverse, the children don't have any rights to choose their own parent :-)

Take a look at the SQL log above to see this Main's output


Then when indicating Inverse on child entities, it mean it's the child's responsibility to choose its own parent; parent entity will never meddle.

So given the same set of data on the method Main above, albeit with Inverse attribute on child entities...

HasMany(x => x.PhoneNumbers).Inverse().Cascade.All ();

..., John Lennon won't have any children, ThePhoneNumber "1" which choose its own parent(Paul McCartney) even that phone number is in John Lennon's children entities, it will still be persisted to database with Paul McCartney as its parent. Other phone numbers which didn't choose their parent, will remain parentless. With Inverse, a child can freely choose its own parent, there's no aggressive parent that can own anyone's child.

Back-end-wise, this is how the objects graph is persisted:

select nextval ('person_person_id_seq')
select nextval ('person_person_id_seq')
select nextval ('phone_number_phone_number_id_seq')
select nextval ('phone_number_phone_number_id_seq')
select nextval ('phone_number_phone_number_id_seq')
select nextval ('phone_number_phone_number_id_seq')
INSERT INTO person (lastname, firstname, person_id) VALUES (((E'McCartney')::text), ((E'Paul')::text), ((111)::int4))
INSERT INTO person (lastname, firstname, person_id) VALUES (((E'Lennon')::text), ((E'John')::text), ((112)::int4))
INSERT INTO phone_number (the_phone_number, person_id, phone_number_id) VALUES (((E'9')::text), ((NULL)::int4), ((310)::int4))
INSERT INTO phone_number (the_phone_number, person_id, phone_number_id) VALUES (((E'8')::text), ((NULL)::int4), ((311)::int4))
INSERT INTO phone_number (the_phone_number, person_id, phone_number_id) VALUES (((E'6')::text), ((NULL)::int4), ((312)::int4))
INSERT INTO phone_number (the_phone_number, person_id, phone_number_id) VALUES (((E'1')::text), ((111)::int4), ((313)::int4))

So what's a good practice for persisting root object and its children entities?

First, we could say that it is an oversight on Hibernate/NHibernate team's part on making the Inverse a non-default behavior. Most of us who regarded data consistency with utmost care, would never make foreign keys nullable. So, we should always explicitly indicate the Inverse as the default behavior.

Second, whenever we add a child entity to a parent, do this via parent's helper method. So even we forgot to indicate the child's parent, the helper method can explicitly own that child entity.

public class Person
    public virtual int PersonId { get; set; }
    public virtual string Lastname { get; set; }
    public virtual string Firstname { get; set; }

    public virtual IList<PhoneNumber> PhoneNumbers { get; set; }

    public virtual void AddToPhoneNumbers(PhoneNumber pn)
        pn.Person = this;

This is how our object persistence routine shall look like:

public static void Main (string[] args)
    var sess = Mapper.GetSessionFactory().OpenSession();

    var tx = sess.BeginTransaction();

    var jl = new Person { Firstname = "John", Lastname = "Lennon", PhoneNumbers = new List<PhoneNumber>() };
    var pm = new Person { Firstname = "Paul", Lastname = "McCartney", PhoneNumbers = new List<PhoneNumber>() };

    jl.AddToPhoneNumbers(new PhoneNumber { ThePhoneNumber = "9" });
    jl.AddToPhoneNumbers(new PhoneNumber { ThePhoneNumber = "8" });
    jl.AddToPhoneNumbers(new PhoneNumber { ThePhoneNumber = "6" });

    pm.AddToPhoneNumbers(new PhoneNumber { ThePhoneNumber = "1" });

    sess.Save (pm);
    sess.Save (jl);                     


This is how our objects are persisted:

select nextval ('person_person_id_seq')
select nextval ('phone_number_phone_number_id_seq')
select nextval ('person_person_id_seq')
select nextval ('phone_number_phone_number_id_seq')
select nextval ('phone_number_phone_number_id_seq')
select nextval ('phone_number_phone_number_id_seq')
INSERT INTO person (lastname, firstname, person_id) VALUES (((E'McCartney')::text), ((E'Paul')::text), ((113)::int4))
INSERT INTO phone_number (the_phone_number, person_id, phone_number_id) VALUES (((E'1')::text), ((113)::int4), ((314)::int4))
INSERT INTO person (lastname, firstname, person_id) VALUES (((E'Lennon')::text), ((E'John')::text), ((114)::int4))
INSERT INTO phone_number (the_phone_number, person_id, phone_number_id) VALUES (((E'9')::text), ((114)::int4), ((315)::int4))
INSERT INTO phone_number (the_phone_number, person_id, phone_number_id) VALUES (((E'8')::text), ((114)::int4), ((316)::int4))
INSERT INTO phone_number (the_phone_number, person_id, phone_number_id) VALUES (((E'6')::text), ((114)::int4), ((317)::int4))

Another good analogy for Inverse: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1067854

like image 141
Michael Buen Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 12:10

Michael Buen