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NHibernate - Left joins

I have the following two tables:

Jobs AreaID, JobNo (composite key)

Logs LogID, AreaID, JobNo

I need to get all jobs that don't have any logs associated with them. In SQL I could do:

FROM   Jobs
       LEFT JOIN Logs
           ON Jobs.AreaID = Logs.AreaID
           AND Jobs.JobNo = Logs.JobNo
WHERE  Logs.LogID is null

But I'm not sure how to accomplish this with NHibernate. Could anyone offer any pointers?

Here are my mappings:

<class name="Job" table="Jobs">
    <composite-key name="Id">
        <key-property name="JobNo"/>
        <key-many-to-one name="Area" class="Area" column="AreaID"/>

<class name="Log" table="Logs">
    <id name="Id" column="LogID">
        <generator class="identity"/>
    <property name="JobNo"/>
    <many-to-one name="Area" class="Area" column="AreaID"/>



OK, I modified Nosila's answer slightly, and this is now doing what I wanted:

Log logs = null;

return session.QueryOver<Job>()
    .Left.JoinAlias(x => x.Logs, () => logs)
    .Where(x => logs.Id == null)

I also had to add this to my Job mapping:

<bag name="Logs">
        <column name="JobNo"></column>
        <column name="DivisionID"></column>
    <one-to-many class="Log"/>

Thanks for the help. :)

like image 242
Tom Avatar asked Feb 15 '12 12:02


2 Answers

I'm not familiar with composite identifiers as I don't use them so for all I know NHibernate will automatically create the proper left join. None the less, the (non-tested) query below should get you started.

Job jobAlias = null;
Log logAlias = null;
YourDto yourDto = null;

    // Here is where we set what columns we want to project (e.g. select)
    .SelectList(x => x
        .Select(x => x.AreaID).WithAlias(() => jobAlias.AreaID)
        .Select(x => x.JobNo).WithAlias(() => jobAlias.JobNo)
    .Left.JoinAlias(x => x.Logs, () => logAlias, x.JobNo == logAlias.JobNo)
    .Where(() => logAlias.LogID == null)
    // This is where NHibernate will transform what you have in your `SelectList()` to a list of objects

public class YourDto
    public int AreaID { get; set; }
    public int JobNo { get; set; }

Note: You need NHibernate 3.2 in order to set join conditions.

like image 166
Nosila Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09


Job job = null;
var jobsWithoutLogs = session.QueryOver(() => job)
        .Where(log => log.Job == job)

Update: i saw you added the mapping. The Above Code only works for the following mapping

<class name="Log" table="Logs">
    <id name="Id" column="LogID">
        <generator class="identity"/>
    <many-to-one name="Job" >
      <column name="JobNo"/>
      <column name="AreaID"/>
    <many-to-one />
like image 26
Firo Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09
