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nginx. Test which location used to process request

If you just want to see which block was used, and don't care about returning otherwise valid results, it might be more straight-forward to use return rather than add_header.

location / {
    return 200 'location 1';

location ~ /(\w+\-)\.html {
    return 200 'location 2';    

location @named {
    return 200 'location named';

A word of warning on this approach. I found it's a bad idea to use location as your debug header, since Location is a real header used by the HTTP response 301.

So if (like me) in your testing you end up with this:

HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Location: http://mydomain.com/banana/
location: banana

Then your browser will freak out and report Duplicate headers received from server. So use locationdebug or something safe.

The add_header trick is how I would do it to.

I'm at work right now, so I can't test but you might possibly get something in the logfile i you set the error_log level to:

  • debug: you're nginx needs to be built using --with-debug for this to work, you can check that with the nginx -V command
  • notice: if debug logging isn't enabled