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How do I use the MinGW gdb debugger to debug a C++ program in Windows?

I have looked for documentation on this and found nothing. I have MinGW installed and it works great. I just don't know how to use the debugger.

Given some simple code, say in a file called "mycode.cpp":

int main()
    int temp = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
        temp += i;

    return 0;

...how would I debug this. What are the commands that I use to debug code with MinGW and GDB in windows? Can I step through the code via the command line like in Visual Studio? If so what commands do I use to do that?

Are there any tutorials for using GDB out there? I couldn't find any, but if anyone could direct me to one that would be great too. I'm tired of writing tons of std::cout statements to debug complex code.

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Mike Webb Avatar asked Jan 12 '11 17:01

Mike Webb

People also ask

How do I use GDB on Windows?

Starting GDBIn the windows command console, type arm-none-eabi-gdb and press Enter. You can do this from any directory. If you're unsure how to open the Windows command console, see Running OpenOCD on Windows. You can also run GDB directly from "Run" in the Start menu.

Does GDB work for C?

Gdb is a debugger for C (and C++). It allows you to do things like run the program up to a certain point then stop and print out the values of certain variables at that point, or step through the program one line at a time and print out the values of each variable after executing each line.

Is there GDB for Windows?

So MinGW is the GCC port for Windows that allows you to build native Windows applications [1]. An installer for MinGW is available here. Bundled with this installation comes GDB, a classic debugger for C/C++ [2].

2 Answers

The first step is to compile your program with -g to include debugging information within the executable:

g++ -g -o myprog.exe mycode.cpp

Then the program can be loaded into gdb:

gdb myprog.exe

A few commands to get you started:

  • break main will cause the debugger to break when main is called. You can also break on lines of code with break FILENAME:LINENO. For example, break mycode.cpp:4 breaks execution whenever the program reaches line 4 of mycode.cpp.
  • start starts the program. In your case, you need to set breakpoints before starting the program because it exits quickly.

At a breakpoint:

  • print VARNAME. That's how you print values of variables, whether local, static, or global. For example, at the for loop, you can type print temp to print out the value of the temp variable.
  • step This is equivalent to "step into".
  • next or adv +1 Advance to the next line (like "step over"). You can also advance to a specific line of a specific file with, for example, adv mycode.cpp:8.
  • bt Print a backtrace. This is a stack trace, essentially.
  • continue Exactly like a "continue" operation of a visual debugger. It causes the program execution to continue until the next break point or the program exits.

The best thing to read is the GDB users' manual.

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Daniel Trebbien Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 16:09

Daniel Trebbien

There are a few gdb guis for windows in this question windows version of the GDB frontend DDD

Although DDD hasn't been ported

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Martin Beckett Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 16:10

Martin Beckett