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nginx "server_tokens" configuration ignored




server_tokens off; 

Why could this get ignored, the header is still sent:

Server: nginx 

No, other included config files do not contain server_tokens configuration.

Yes, I did restart all services.

like image 492
Daniel W. Avatar asked Nov 27 '13 15:11

Daniel W.

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The “server_tokens” directive is responsible for displaying the Nginx version number and Operating system on error pages and in the “Server” HTTP response header field as shown in the following screenshot. Nginx Version Number. To disable this, you need to turn off the server_tokens directive in /etc/nginx/nginx.

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1 Answers

To cite the docs on the server_tokens directive:

Enables or disables emitting nginx version in error messages and in the “Server” response header field.

According to the docs, it thus doesn't prevent the generation of the Server header but only prevents the addition of the exact version. If you want to completely remove the servers header, you could use the ngx_headers_more module.

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Holger Just Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 17:09

Holger Just