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Nginx: In which order rate limiting and caching are executed?

I want to use nginx for rate limiting and caching.

In which order nginx applies them? In other words, is it limiting only request to the upstream server or all requests (including cache HIT's)?

How can this order be changed? I think it can be changed by having two server contexts. So, for example, on one server performs caching. It has the second server context as upstream. The second one limits requests to the "real" upstream. But that's probably not the most efficient way...

like image 722
Anton Avatar asked Nov 18 '17 16:11


People also ask

How does nginx caching work?

By default, NGINX Plus caches all responses to requests made with the HTTP GET and HEAD methods the first time such responses are received from a proxied server. As the key (identifier) for a request, NGINX Plus uses the request string.

How do I know if nginx is caching?

1) Adding cache status header You could also check your header by using Developer Tools in your browser (Firefox and Chrome can open dev tools with F12 ). The cache status could be one of the following: “ MISS ”, “ BYPASS ”, “ EXPIRED ”, “ STALE ”, “ UPDATING ”, “ REVALIDATED ”, or “ HIT ”.

Can nginx Do Rate limiting?

You can also apply rate limit based on other request variables by selecting Other (NGINX variable) and specifying the NGINX variable name. The number of requests per period, where period is set in the Units setting. By default, the rate is specified in requests per second.

Where does nginx store cache?

/var/cache/nginx – the path to the local disk directory for the cache. levels – defines the hierarchy levels of a cache, it sets up a two-level directory hierarchy under /var/cache/nginx.

1 Answers

Request Processing

Nginx request processing is is done with a number of different phases, with each phase having one or more handlers. Modules can register to run at a specific phase.

http://www.nginxguts.com/phases/ http://nginx.org/en/docs/dev/development_guide.html#http_phases

Rate Limiting

Rate limiting is applied by the ngx_http_limit_req_module in the pre access phase. From ngx_http_limit_req_module.c:

h = ngx_array_push(&cmcf->phases[NGX_HTTP_PREACCESS_PHASE].handlers);


Caching is done later, I think in the content phase.

I couldn't quite figure this out from looking at the code or the documentation. But I was able to demonstrate this with a debug build. My configuration had rate limiting 1 request per second, with caching on. See the following excerpts from my log.

Cached Request

2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 http header done
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 rewrite phase: 0
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 test location: "/"
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 using configuration "=/"
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 http cl:-1 max:1048576
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 rewrite phase: 2
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 post rewrite phase: 3
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 generic phase: 4
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 http script var: ....
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: shmtx lock
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: shmtx unlock
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 limit_req[0]: 0 0.000
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 generic phase: 5
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 access phase: 6
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 access phase: 7
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 post access phase: 8
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 generic phase: 9
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 generic phase: 10
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 http init upstream, client timer: 0
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 http cache key: ""
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 http cache key: "/"
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 add cleanup: 00005609F7C51578
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: shmtx lock
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: shmtx unlock
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 http file cache exists: 0 e:1
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 cache file: "/home/poida/src/nginx-1.15.6/objs/cache/157d4d91f488c05ff417723d74d65b36"
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 add cleanup: 00005609F7C46810
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 http file cache fd: 12
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 read: 12, 00005609F7C46890, 519, 0
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 http upstream cache: 0
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 http proxy status 200 "200 OK"
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 http proxy header: "Server: SimpleHTTP/0.6 Python/3.8.5"
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 http proxy header: "Date: Sat, 01 Aug 2020 01:11:03 GMT"
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 http proxy header: "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 http proxy header: "Content-Length: 340"
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 http proxy header done
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 http file cache send: /home/poida/src/nginx-1.15.6/objs/cache/157d4d91f488c05ff417723d74d65b36
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 posix_memalign: 00005609F7C46DC0:4096 @16
2020/08/01 11:11:07 [debug] 17498#0: *7 HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Rate Limited Request

2020/08/01 11:17:04 [debug] 17498#0: *10 http header done
2020/08/01 11:17:04 [debug] 17498#0: *10 rewrite phase: 0
2020/08/01 11:17:04 [debug] 17498#0: *10 test location: "/"
2020/08/01 11:17:04 [debug] 17498#0: *10 using configuration "=/"
2020/08/01 11:17:04 [debug] 17498#0: *10 http cl:-1 max:1048576
2020/08/01 11:17:04 [debug] 17498#0: *10 rewrite phase: 2
2020/08/01 11:17:04 [debug] 17498#0: *10 post rewrite phase: 3
2020/08/01 11:17:04 [debug] 17498#0: *10 generic phase: 4
2020/08/01 11:17:04 [debug] 17498#0: *10 http script var: ....
2020/08/01 11:17:04 [debug] 17498#0: shmtx lock
2020/08/01 11:17:04 [debug] 17498#0: shmtx unlock
2020/08/01 11:17:04 [debug] 17498#0: *10 limit_req[0]: -3 0.707
2020/08/01 11:17:04 [error] 17498#0: *10 limiting requests, excess: 0.707 by zone "mylimit", client:, server: , request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost:8080"
2020/08/01 11:17:04 [debug] 17498#0: *10 http finalize request: 503, "/?" a:1, c:1
2020/08/01 11:17:04 [debug] 17498#0: *10 http special response: 503, "/?"
2020/08/01 11:17:04 [debug] 17498#0: *10 http set discard body
2020/08/01 11:17:04 [debug] 17498#0: *10 HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

For a rate limited request, processing stops before the server tries to generate the content or check the cache.

TL;DR; Rate limiting is applied first, before caching.

like image 155
poida Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 22:09
