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Nginx how to add extra server configuration to without modifying nginx.conf

I want to add this extra config to my nginx.conf:

server {
  rewrite     ^  https://$host$request_uri? redirect;

But as my app is deployed in a hosting service I don't want to modify the already present nginx.conf. It can be problematic.

Is there any way I can add this extra configuration without modifying nginx.conf?

like image 623
fguillen Avatar asked Feb 14 '17 16:02


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1 Answers

There is no way you can add extra server configuration without modifying nginx.conf first. But good news is that you will have to modify nginx.conf only for once.

Just add this line in your nginx.conf

include /etc/nginx/config.d/*.conf;

You can name directory and path as per your choice. create directory and save your extra configuration in that as extra.conf with .conf extension. Any files you save with .confextension in this directory /etc/nginx/config.d will be automatically added to your nginx.conf.

You can even save multiple configurations like extra1.conf and extra2.conf for different uses and you can delete one without affecting other.

like image 198
Nipun Arora Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 03:10

Nipun Arora