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Nginx configuration for angular i18n application

I built an angular-5 application using i18n that supports both french and english. I then deployed a separate version of the app for each supported language

 - dist
    |___ en/
    |    |__ index.html
    |___ fr/
         |__ index.html

I also added the following nginx configuration to serve the application in both languages;

server {
    root /var/www/dist;
    index index.html index.htm;
    server_name host.local;

    location ^/(fr|en)/(.*)$ {
        try_files $2 $2/ /$1/index.html;

What I wanted to do is to serve both applications and allow switching between the english and the french version.

Let's say for example I'm on host.local/en/something if I switch to host.local/fr/something I should get the french version of the "something" page.

With the nginx configuration I shared, I get a 404 not found error every time I refresh pages when browing my apps which also prevents me from browsing my apps independently from one another and switching between them.

What did I miss? What's the appropriate Nginx conf to achieve that?

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Ahmed Siouani Avatar asked Apr 17 '18 23:04

Ahmed Siouani

People also ask

How would you implement localization in Angular using i18n tools?

Open the angular. json file and add the following configuration. Here we have added the configuration for the Spanish language. We have provided the path and format for the i18n file and set the locale to "es." When we execute the application, the app content will be served from the i18n file path provided.

Does Angular run on nginx?

NGINX can be used as a web server or reverse proxy to serve the static content. All the NGINX configuration can be placed in this file nginx. conf . We need to build the angular app and place all the static files in the root location of the NGINX to serve the web.

What is the configuration file of nginx?

The way nginx and its modules work is determined in the configuration file. By default, the configuration file is named nginx. conf and placed in the directory /usr/local/nginx/conf , /etc/nginx , or /usr/local/etc/nginx .

2 Answers

i've done the same thing on iis, first you have to build your app with "base-href" option:

 ng build --output-path=dist/fr --prod --bh /fr/
 ng build --output-path=dist/en --prod --bh /en/

and for nginx use this config

location /fr/ {
  alias /var/www/dist/fr/;
  try_files $uri$args $uri$args/ /fr/index.html;
location /en/ {
 alias /var/www/dist/en/;
 try_files $uri$args $uri$args/ /en/index.html;

and for navigation from /en/someroute to /fr/someroute , you can get the current router url in your component where you have the language switcher

getCurrentRoute() {
    return this.router.url;

and when click on a language selector you redirect to the same route with the selected language :

 <li *ngFor="let language of languages;let i=index" >
    <a  href="/{{language.lang}}/#{{getCurrentRoute()}}"  (click)="changeLanguage(language.lang)">

change language method

changeLanguage(lang: string) {
    const langs = ['en', 'fr'];
    this.languages = this.allLanguages.filter((language) => {
        return language.lang !== lang;
    this.curentLanguage = this.allLanguages[langs.indexOf(lang)].name
    localStorage.setItem('Language', lang);
    if (isDevMode()) {
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Fateh Mohamed Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09

Fateh Mohamed

After building with:

ng build --prod --base-href /fr/ --output-path dist/fr
ng build --prod --base-href /en/ --output-path dist/en

copy the builds to nginx serve directory:

cp -r dist/* /usr/share/nginx/my-app

Then I found 2 different NGINX configs that work for me:

Using root path

server {
    root /usr/share/nginx/my-app;
    location /en/ {
        autoindex on;
        try_files $uri$args $uri$args/ /en/index.html;

    location /fr/ {
        autoindex on;
        try_files $uri$args $uri$args/ /fr/index.html;

    # Default to FR
    location / {
        # Autoindex is disabled here + the $uri$args/ is missing from try_files
        try_files $uri$args /fr/index.html;

Using alias

server {
    listen 80 default_server;
    index index.html;

    location /en/ {
        alias /usr/share/nginx/my-app/en/;
        try_files $uri$args $uri$args/ /en/index.html;

    location /fr/ {
        alias /usr/share/nginx/my-app/fr/;
        try_files $uri$args $uri$args/ /fr/index.html;

    # Default to FR
    location / {
        alias /usr/share/nginx/my-app/fr/;
        try_files $uri$args $uri$args/ /fr/index.html;

Note: In the root path solution you can remove the autoindex on option but you'll also have to remove the $uri$args/ part from the try_files or else you'll get "directory index of "[directory]" is forbidden error".

FYI: You can find useful those nice explanations on ROOT vs ALIAS.


Angular CLI: 6.0.7
Node: 8.11.2
Angular: 6.0.3
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nyxz Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09
