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*ngIf with multiple async pipe variables



This condition should be handled with nested ngIf directives:

<ng-container *ngIf="language$ | async as language">
  <div *ngIf="user$ | async as user">
    <b>{{language}}</b> and <b>{{user}}</b>

The downside is that HTTP requests will be performed in series.

In order to perform them concurrently and still have language and user variables, more nesting is required:

<ng-container *ngIf="{ language: language$ | async, user: user$ | async } as userLanguage">
  <ng-container *ngIf="userLanguage.language as language">
    <ng-container *ngIf="userLanguage.user as user">
      <div><b>{{language}}</b> and <b>{{user}}</b></div>

More efficient way way to do this is to move logic from template to component class at this point and create a single observable, e.g. with withLatestFrom

You can also use the following trick. You will need one additional nesting.

<ng-container *ngIf="{a: stream1$ | async, b: stream2$ | async, c: stream3$ | async} as o">
  <ng-container *ngIf="o.a && o.b && o.c">
    {{o.a}} {{o.b}} {{o.c}}

The object o is ever truthy, therefore the first *ngIf is simple used to save the stream values. inside you have to namespace your variables with o.

That's depend what do you want but I think forkJoin operator with a loaded flag, could be a good idea.


The forkJoin wait that all Observable are completed to return their values in its subscribe

  Observable.of("my language").delay(1000),
  Observable.of("my user").delay(1000),
).subscribe(results => {
  this.language = results[0]
  this.user = results[1]

You can catch errors into onError of the subscribe and display it.