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ng-select is not displaying the bindLabel value

Ng-select is not displaying bindLabel value to the client. There is not a single Error as well. I have a couple of ng-select dropdowns. and It is showing value in one Dropdown in one div. However, even if I am using the same dropdown in another div it is not showing that value.

This is my dropdown for one div:

<div class="col-12 col-sm-12 col-md-4 m-auto mt-2">
<ng-select [items]="immigrationOptions" placeholder="Immigration Status" bindLabel="immigration_s_name"
bindValue="id" [ngClass]="{ 'is-invalid': submitted && f.immigration_status_id.errors }" appendTo="body" [virtualScroll]="true" formControlName="immigration_status_id"             [(ngModel)]="immigrationOption" aria-describedby="cnt_immigration_status_id">
    <small id="cnt_immigration_status_id" class="form-text text-muted">Immigration Status</small>
    <div *ngIf="submitted && f.immigration_status_id.errors" class="invalid-feedback">
   <div *ngIf="f.immigration_status_id.errors.required">Immigration status is required</div>

I am using the same dropdown twice. However, it is not displaying label's to the user in the second dropdown of another div

Please check the attached screenshot as well. One is working and another is just showing blank

This is not showing any value in the dropdown. This is showing Values in dropdown:

values in dropddown

like image 706
tanmay parmar Avatar asked Apr 04 '19 13:04

tanmay parmar

1 Answers

This same thing happened to me today:

ng-select uses an item array to show options via a binding like this: [items]='itemArray'. This is how users select an option when first filling out a form (as we already know). When the data is saved the back-end only stores the selected item.

When the form is reused to review the record and possibly edit again, that same items array must not be empty. If it is, the selected option will not show. Angular doesn't issue any warnings and doesn't care.

Take Away : Whether user edits for the first time, or reading back content from the data store to review and then edit, make sure the items array has content.

like image 51
JWP Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 12:09