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ng-repeat start and endwith in Angular 4



I have nested ng-repeat to construct the collpasable grid. Need to achive the same in Angular 4. I could not find the solution in *ngFor. Example Code which I Implemented using anuglar js.

<table width="100%" class="table-condensed responsive-table">
<tr class="panel-heading bgOrg">
    <th class="text-right th-font">&nbsp;</th>
    <th class="text-right th-font">VMs</th>
<tr ng-if="!departments.length" >
    <td colspan="15" class="text-center">No records Found</td>
<tr ng-repeat-start="department in departments">
    <td class="table-white-space">
        <div class="handpointer glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right" data-ng-click="department.show = !department.show;collapse($event)" data-target="#view_{{department.departmentid}}" data-toggle="collapse" 
            data-ng-if="department.environment!=null && !department.show">
        <div class="handpointer glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down" data-ng-click="department.show = !department.show;collapse($event)" data-target="#view_{{department.departmentid}}" data-toggle="collapse" 
            data-ng-if="department.environment!=null && department.show">
        <span class="row-label"> <b ng-bind="department.name"></b> </span>
<tr ng-repeat-start="item in department.environment" ng-if="department.show">
<tr ng-repeat-start="cItem in item.vm" ng-if="department.show && item.show">
<tr ng-repeat="iItem in cItem.storage" ng-if="department.show && item.show && cItem.show">
<tr ng-repeat-end=""></tr>
<tr ng-repeat-end=""></tr>
<tr ng-repeat-end=""></tr>

How to aheive the same in angular2?

enter image description here

like image 974
Dharmarajan Avatar asked Apr 10 '18 06:04


1 Answers

You don't have any ng-repeat-start or end in Angular 4. Instead of that you can use "ng-container".

<ng-container *ngFor="let depertment of departments">
      <!-- Ng-repaet started here -->
      <tr *ngFor="let env of department.environments">
      <!-- Ng-repeat end -->
      <tr> --Do something-- </tr>

<ng-container> to the rescue.
The Angular is a grouping element that doesn't interfere with styles or layout because Angular doesn't put it in the DOM.
For additionally, if you need to pass any value use ngTemplateContext

like image 174
Srigar Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 08:11
