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ng-repeat in nested array in AngularJS

I am having a problem. I have an array.

myArray = [{ 
 "John": [{"salary":"15K","year":"2013"},{"salary":"20K","year":"2014"}]
 "Ben": [{"salary":"17K","year":"2013"},{"salary":"20K","year":"2014"},{"salary":"25K","year":"2014"}]

I want it to display in a table.The array can have much more data. Please someone, tell me If I am arranging the array wrong or something. I am stuck in this for sometime now.

like image 976
Bikash Ramtel Avatar asked Mar 13 '23 15:03

Bikash Ramtel

1 Answers

It will be great if you specified the format of the table. If you want a table like table-heads as name and values. In names we can show the name and inside values there is another table of salary and year. For such a table you can follow steps as given below.

  <tr ng-repeat="person in myArray">
        <tr ng-repeat="each in person">
like image 91
Syam Pillai Avatar answered Mar 24 '23 18:03

Syam Pillai