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newline and dash not working correctly in jinja

How could I generate the expected output ? Thanks

jinja template

{%- for field in fields -%}

  name: {{field}}
  type: string

{%- endfor -%}


  name: operating revenue
  type: string-
  name: gross operating profit
  type: string-

expected output

  name: operating revenue
  type: string
  name: gross operating profit
  type: string


from jinja2 import Template

fields = ["operating revenue", "gross operating profit", "EBITDA", "operating profit after depreciation", "EBIT", "date"]
template_file = open('./fields_template.jinja2').read()
template = Template(template_file)
html_rendered = template.render(fields=fields)
like image 239
newBike Avatar asked Oct 20 '15 09:10


1 Answers

The - removes all whitespace between that side of the Jinja tag and the first character. You are using - on the 'inside' of the tags, so whitespace is removed up to the - character and after the word string, joining up the two. Remove one or the other.

You could remove the extra newlines at the start and end of your text for example, and remove the - from the inside side of the opening tag:

{%- for field in fields %}
  name: {{field}}
  type: string
{%- endfor -%}


>>> from jinja2 import Template
>>> fields = ["operating revenue", "gross operating profit", "EBITDA", "operating profit after depreciation", "EBIT", "date"]
>>> template_file = '''\
... {%- for field in fields %}
... -
...   name: {{field}}
...   type: string
... {%- endfor -%}
... '''
>>> template = Template(template_file)
>>> html_rendered = template.render(fields=fields)
>>> print(html_rendered)

  name: operating revenue
  type: string
  name: gross operating profit
  type: string
  name: EBITDA
  type: string
  name: operating profit after depreciation
  type: string
  name: EBIT
  type: string
  name: date
  type: string
like image 54
Martijn Pieters Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 16:09

Martijn Pieters