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Efficient & Pythonic way of finding all possible sublists of a list in given range and the minimum product after multipying all elements in them?

I've achived these two things.

  1. Find all possible sublists of a list in given range (i ,j).

    A = [ 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 11, 22, 33 ] 
    Let, i = 2 and j = 4

    Then, Possible sublists of the list "A" in the given range (2,4) is :

    [66], [66,77], [66,77,88], [77], [77,88], [88]
  2. And, minimum of the resultant product after multipying all the elements of the sublists:

    So, the resultant list after multiplying all the elements in the above sublists will become

    X = [66, 5082, 447216, 77, 6776, 88]`    

    Now, the minimum of the above list, which is min(X) i.e 66

My Code:

i, j = 2, 4
A = [ 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 11, 22, 33 ] 
O, P = i, i
mini = A[O]
while O <= j and P <= j:
    if O == P:
        mini = min(mini, reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, [A[O]]))
        mini = min(mini, reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, A[O:P + 1]))
    P += 1
    if P > j:
        O += 1
        P = O

My Question:

This code is taking more time to get executed for the Larger Lists and Larger Ranges !
Is there any possible "Pythonic" way of reducing the time complexity of the above code ?

Thanks in advance !


Got it. But, If there is more than one such possible sublist with the same minimum product,

  1. I need the longest sub list range (i,j)
  2. If there are still more than one sublists with the same "longest sub range", I need to print the sub-interval which has the lowest start index.

Consider this list A = [2, 22, 10, 12, 2] if (i,j) = (0,4).
There is a tie. Min product = 2 with two possibilities '(0,0)' and '(4,4)' .
Both sub list range = 0 [ (0-0) and (4-4) ]
In this case i need to print (minproduct, [sublist-range]) = 2, [0,0]

Tried using dictionaries, It works for some inputs but not for all ! How to do this 'efficiently' ?
Thank you !

like image 812
sr1 Avatar asked Jun 13 '15 16:06


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2 Answers

First, given the list and the index range, we can get the sublist A[i : j + 1]

[66, 77, 88]

For positive integers a and b, a * b is no less than a or b. So you don't need to do multiplying, it's not possible that multiplying of two or more elements has a smaller result. The minimum of this list is the minimum of all the multiplying results.

So the result is:

min(A[i : j + 1])
like image 181
Yu Hao Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 09:11

Yu Hao

For generating the sublists, it is as simple as two nested for loops in a list comprehension:

def sublists(l,i,j):
    return [l[m:n+1] for m in range(i,j+1) for n in range(m,j+1)]


>>> sublists(A,2,4)
[[66], [66, 77], [66, 77, 88], [77], [77, 88], [88]]

For finding the minimum product:

>>> min(map(prod, sublists(A,2,4)))

(you import prod from numpy, or define it as def prod(x): return reduce(lambda i,j:i*j,x))

like image 39
fferri Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 09:11
