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NewGlobalRef for jmethodID

I have a problem with something that otherwise seems to be an easy task. I have a native method which returns a jobjectArray of instances of a Java class (custom). What I do is get the jclass for my class I want to instantiate and return and then get the jmethodID for it's constructor.

The native method's signature is:

Java_com_mn_rootscape_utils_NativeMethods_getFilesPermissions( JNIEnv* env, jobject thizz, jobjectArray filePathsArray ) 

The namespace and constructor signature are defined as follows:

const char* kFilePermissionInfoPath = "com/mn/rootscape/utils/FilePermissionInfo";
const char* kFilePermInfoConstructorSig = "(IIIIIJJJLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ZLjava/lang/String;)V";

For the jclass and jmethodID I'm following the instructions posted here. So I'm getting their global references so I can use them later. Please note that I do not have an oninit in my lib yet, the code is just for testing for now.

The problem is that I get a segmentation fault when I try to retrieve the global reference for the jmethodID.

The code that does this is:

jclass filePermInfoCls = (*env)->FindClass(env, kFilePermissionInfoPath);
    LOGE("getFilesPermissions: failed to get class reference.");
    return NULL;

gFilePermInfoClass = (jclass)(*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, filePermInfoCls);
LOGI("got gFilePermInfoClass");

jmethodID filePermInfoClsConstructor = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, gFilePermInfoClass, "<init>", kFilePermInfoConstructorSig1);
    LOGE("getFilesPermissions: failed to get method reference.");
    return NULL;

gFilePermInfoClsConstructor = (jmethodID)(*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, filePermInfoClsConstructor);
LOGI("got gFilePermInfoClsConstructor");

The actual error is:

06-14 09:17:26.648: W/dalvikvm(26012): Invalid indirect reference 0x4c0bdc40 in decodeIndirectRef 06-14 09:17:26.648: E/dalvikvm(26012): VM aborting

gFilePermInfoClass and gFilePermInfoClsConstructor are global jclass and jmethodID objects, to hold the global refs.

Any help in this would be appreciated.


like image 453
Marcel N. Avatar asked Jun 14 '12 06:06

Marcel N.

1 Answers

A jmethodID is not an object. You don't need to convert it to a GlobalRef. Ditto jfieldID.

like image 74
user207421 Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 22:11
