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new and delete handles multithreading issues

I am reading a book Efficient C++: Performance Programming Techniques Authors is saying following regarding global new and delete operators:

They manage memory in the process context, and since a process may spawn multiple threads, new() and delete() must be able to operate in a multithreaded environment. In addition, the size of memory requests may vary from one request to the next.

in Chapter 6. Single-Threaded Memory Pooling.

Is this true? I thought C++ does not have a notion of a Multi-threading environment, programmer need to handle is by using some means of mutual exclusion.

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Avinash Avatar asked Nov 03 '11 07:11


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The C++ new and delete operators are thread safe, but this means that a thread may have to wait for a lock on these operations. Once memory is obtained for a thread, the thread_alloc memory allocator keeps that memory available for the thread so that it can be re-used without waiting for a lock.

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1 Answers

It will depend on implementation. For example, Visual C++ runtime had both a single-threaded and a multithreaded version of heap in earlier version, but starting with Visual C++ 2005 it only has a multithreaded version. This MSDN article has a nice summary table.

When a multithreaded heap is used calls to memory allocation and deallocation are thread-safe at expense of additional overhead.

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sharptooth Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09
