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Network capturing with Selenium/PhantomJS

I want to capture the traffic to sites I'm browsing to using Selenium with python and since the traffic will be https using a proxy won't get me far.

My idea was to run phantomJS with selenium to and use phantomJS to execute a script (not on the page using webdriver.execute_script(), but on phantomJS itself). I was thinking of the netlog.js script (from here https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/blob/master/examples/netlog.js).

Since it works like this in the command line

phantomjs --cookies-file=/tmp/foo netlog.js https://google.com

there must be a similar way to do this with selenium?

Thanks in advance


Solved it with browsermob-proxy.

pip3 install browsermob-proxy

Python3 code

from selenium import webdriver
from browsermobproxy import Server

server = Server(<path to browsermob-proxy>)
proxy = server.create_proxy({'captureHeaders': True, 'captureContent': True, 'captureBinaryContent': True})

service_args = ["--proxy=%s" % proxy.proxy, '--ignore-ssl-errors=yes']
driver = webdriver.PhantomJS(service_args=service_args)

print(proxy.har)  # this is the archive
# for example:
all_requests = [entry['request']['url'] for entry in proxy.har['log']['entries']]
like image 426
Bart Avatar asked Apr 20 '16 13:04


1 Answers

I am using a proxy for this

from selenium import webdriver
from browsermobproxy import Server

server = Server(environment.b_mob_proxy_path)
proxy = server.create_proxy()
service_args = ["--proxy-server=%s" % proxy.proxy]
driver = webdriver.PhantomJS(service_args=service_args)

print proxy.har  # this is the archive
# for example:
all_requests = [entry['request']['url'] for entry in proxy.har['log']['entries']]

the 'har' (http archive format) has a lot of other information about the requests and responses, it's very useful to me

installing on Linux:

pip install browsermob-proxy
like image 86
Jonathan Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 07:10
