I have trained a simple long short-term memory (lstm) model in lasagne following the recipie here:https://github.com/Lasagne/Recipes/blob/master/examples/lstm_text_generation.py
Here is the architecture:
l_in = lasagne.layers.InputLayer(shape=(None, None, vocab_size))
# We now build the LSTM layer which takes l_in as the input layer
# We clip the gradients at GRAD_CLIP to prevent the problem of exploding gradients.
l_forward_1 = lasagne.layers.LSTMLayer(
l_in, N_HIDDEN, grad_clipping=GRAD_CLIP,
l_forward_2 = lasagne.layers.LSTMLayer(
l_forward_1, N_HIDDEN, grad_clipping=GRAD_CLIP,
# The l_forward layer creates an output of dimension (batch_size, SEQ_LENGTH, N_HIDDEN)
# Since we are only interested in the final prediction, we isolate that quantity and feed it to the next layer.
# The output of the sliced layer will then be of size (batch_size, N_HIDDEN)
l_forward_slice = lasagne.layers.SliceLayer(l_forward_2, -1, 1)
# The sliced output is then passed through the softmax nonlinearity to create probability distribution of the prediction
# The output of this stage is (batch_size, vocab_size)
l_out = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer(l_forward_slice, num_units=vocab_size, W = lasagne.init.Normal(), nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.softmax)
# Theano tensor for the targets
target_values = T.ivector('target_output')
# lasagne.layers.get_output produces a variable for the output of the net
network_output = lasagne.layers.get_output(l_out)
# The loss function is calculated as the mean of the (categorical) cross-entropy between the prediction and target.
cost = T.nnet.categorical_crossentropy(network_output,target_values).mean()
# Retrieve all parameters from the network
all_params = lasagne.layers.get_all_params(l_out)
# Compute AdaGrad updates for training
print("Computing updates ...")
updates = lasagne.updates.adagrad(cost, all_params, LEARNING_RATE)
# Theano functions for training and computing cost
print("Compiling functions ...")
train = theano.function([l_in.input_var, target_values], cost, updates=updates, allow_input_downcast=True)
compute_cost = theano.function([l_in.input_var, target_values], cost, allow_input_downcast=True)
# In order to generate text from the network, we need the probability distribution of the next character given
# the state of the network and the input (a seed).
# In order to produce the probability distribution of the prediction, we compile a function called probs.
probs = theano.function([l_in.input_var],network_output,allow_input_downcast=True)
and the model is trained via:
for it in xrange(data_size * num_epochs / BATCH_SIZE):
try_it_out() # Generate text using the p^th character as the start.
avg_cost = 0;
for _ in range(PRINT_FREQ):
x,y = gen_data(p)
if(p+BATCH_SIZE+SEQ_LENGTH >= data_size):
print('Carriage Return')
p = 0;
avg_cost += train(x, y)
print("Epoch {} average loss = {}".format(it*1.0*PRINT_FREQ/data_size*BATCH_SIZE, avg_cost / PRINT_FREQ))
How can I save the model so I do not need to train it again? With scikit I generally just pickle the model object. However I am unclear on the analogous process with Theano / lasagne.
You can save the weights with numpy:
np.savez('model.npz', *lasagne.layers.get_all_param_values(network_output))
And load them again later on like this:
with np.load('model.npz') as f:
param_values = [f['arr_%d' % i] for i in range(len(f.files))]
lasagne.layers.set_all_param_values(network_output, param_values)
Source: https://github.com/Lasagne/Lasagne/blob/master/examples/mnist.py
As for the model definition itself: One option is certainly to keep the code and regenerate the network, before setting the pretrained weights.
You can save the model parameters and the model by Pickle
import cPickle as pickle
import os
#save the network and its parameters as a dictionary
netInfo = {'network': network, 'params': lasagne.layers.get_all_param_values(network)}
Net_FileName = 'LSTM.pkl'
# save the dictionary as a .pkl file
pickle.dump(netInfo, open(os.path.join(/path/to/a/folder/, Net_FileName), 'wb'),protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
After saving your model, it can be retrieved by pickle.load:
net = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(/path/to/a/folder/,Net_FileName),'rb'))
all_params = net['params']
lasagne.layers.set_all_param_values(net['network'], all_params)
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