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Netbeans installer issue with jdk 11



I downloaded and installed jdk 11 and am now trying to install netbeans 8.2. But i get an error which states "JAVA SE was not found on this computer.Make sure JDK is properly installed and run installer again. You can specify valid JDK location using --javahome installer argument."

I created a JAVA_HOME variable and set the value to "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.1\bin" and set the same value for PATH variable as well. How do i fix this?

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Mehar Shahani Avatar asked Jan 02 '23 13:01

Mehar Shahani

2 Answers

You face a couple of issues:

  • NetBeans 8.2 requires JDK 8, and it will not work with any version of Java > 8.
  • NetBeans does not yet support JDK 11, though the release of a new version which does (NetBeans 10) is imminent.

The easiest approach would be to remove JDK 11 (unless you need it for other reasons apart from NetBeans), install Java 8 then reinstall NetBeans 8.2. It used to be possible to download NetBeans 8.2 bundled with Java 8, but if you try that now Oracle will just redirect you to the Apache NetBeans 9.0 web site.

There is a newer release of NetBeans than 8.2, Apache NetBeans 9.0. While it supports Java 9 and Java 10, it also does not support Java 11.

Updated to reflect that NetBeans 10 was released on December 27, 2018:

If you really want to use Java 11 with NetBeans you can download the latest Jenkins build of the beta version of NetBeans 10 at your own risk.

If you want to use Java 11 with NetBeans then download NetBeans 10.0. The download is a zip file and it works on all platforms.

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skomisa Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 01:01


Find netbeans.conf file in C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.1 RC\etc.

In that atlas you'll find the netbeans_jdkhome. Set it accordingly.

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Himanshu Parwani Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 02:01

Himanshu Parwani