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Netbeans Code Assistance C++

I'd like to activate the Netbeans Code Assistance but for C++, I just installed Netbeans 8.0 and followed all the steps in Netbeans site for installing Cygwing compiler. I am now able to compile C++ code; however the facility of Code Assistance doesn't appear. I don't know how to activate it.

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user3598130 Avatar asked May 03 '14 02:05


People also ask

Does NetBeans support C language?

NetBeans C/C support lets you create C and C Application and Library projects with generated makefiles, as well as C and C++ projects with existing sources. You can build, run, and debug your project on the local host (the system from which you started the IDE) or on a remote host running a UNIX® operating system.

How do I get C in NetBeans?

Install the C/C++ plugin in NetBeans. In NetBeans, go to Tools → Plugins. Then in Available Plugins, in the C/C++ category, check the box for C/C++, then click Install to start the installation.

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NetBeans did not forget C/C++ developers either - version 12 integrates the newly Oracle-donated C/C++ features, even though code level integration is still to happen. More than just features, the NetBeans 12 LTS has a key focus around appearance as well.

1 Answers

Code assistance should be active by default. Make sure your project properties aren't screwed up:

Project Properties Pop-up Window

Also you might need to add include directories in the Netbeans global options, which are in the "Tools" submenu for my Netbeans version:

Global Options

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HEKTO Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09