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.Net SimpleJson: Deserialize JSON to dynamic object





I'm using the SimpleJson library from here: http://simplejson.codeplex.com/

I'd like to deserialize a JSON string to an dynamic object like this:

dynamic json = SimpleJson.SimpleJson.DeserializeObject("{\"foo\":\"bar\"}");

var test = json.foo;

The deserialization part works properly, but calling json.foo throws a RuntimeBinderException with the error message 'SimpleJson.JsonObject' does not contain a definition for 'foo'.

How can I deserialize a JSON string using SimpleJson and access the dynamic properties using the json.foo syntax?

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Johnny Oshika Avatar asked Oct 21 '11 18:10

Johnny Oshika

3 Answers

Well, it's just a matter of reading the source code for SimpleJson. :-) A line needs to be uncommented to support the dynamic syntax that I'm looking for. Not sure why this isn't enabled by default.

From the source code:

// NOTE: uncomment the following line to enable dynamic support.
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Johnny Oshika Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 00:11

Johnny Oshika

Looking at the samples, JsonObject properties are accessed like a dictionary. So instead of json.foo, you would need json["foo"].

You are actually worse off using dynamic here, since there's nothing dynamic about it: the method returns JsonObject, which simply doesn't have a foo member. If you hadn't used dynamic, you could have gotten that error message at compile time.

If you have a look at the link L.B. provided, it shows how to implement this dynamic functionality yourself.

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dlev Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 01:11


>csc /t:library /d:SIMPLE_JSON_DYNAMIC SimpleJson.cs

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BLUEPIXY Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 01:11