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.NET localization tools [closed]

Are there any tools, that ease work with localization in .NET? I mean work with resx files in VS is done pretty ugly from a developer point of view. For example, if I need to add a string to resources, I have to manually add it to all resource files with different cultures. And I do not know of any tools, that can tell me if there are strings missing in a resource file of particular cultures, and so on.

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DarkDeny Avatar asked Jan 22 '13 08:01


People also ask

How will you localize ASP NET application?

To opt-in to localization, we need to modify our Startup file. We'll be registering a few services, configuring options, and registering middleware. All steps that are common-place for additions in an ASP.NET application. Starting in our ConfigureServices method, we need to make a call to AddLocalization .

What is localization in .NET framework?

Localization is the process of translating an application's resources into localized versions for each culture that the application will support. You should proceed to the localization step only after completing the Localizability review step to verify that the globalized application is ready for localization.

2 Answers

I just found simple VS addon with what I was looking for! http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/3b64e04c-e8de-4b97-8358-06c73a97cc68 And it is free! ResXManager!

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DarkDeny Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 02:10


I have tried crowdin.com and it worked fairly well. It's a free online too.

  • Nice, quick support.
  • It's easy to edit resx files.
  • Also supports a wide range of other resource files.
  • It's easy to invite volonteers to help you translate the project if desired.
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vidstige Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 02:10
