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net core 2.0 appsettings.json save on bin directory

I am new in net core 2.0.

I am connecting to datbase. I am used to use an App.Config or Web.Config to set the connection string. But in net core 2.0 uses appsettings.json file instead.

When I compile de Application, appsettings.json file is not generated in bin directory. So when I run the appplication from Console c>dotnet prj.dll thrown an excepción because connection file is not found.

My question is... I have to copy appsettings.json file manually to bin directory or is there a way to save it in bin directory when Project is compiled?


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Diego Avatar asked Feb 09 '18 15:02


1 Answers

I've been looking for an answer to this question and most of the posts I've found reference the project.json file which has now been deprecated in favour of the .csproj file according to this guide published March 2017.

This document also indicates how you can use the "CopyToOutputDirectory" attribute in your .csproj file to ensure your appsettings.json file is copied to the output directory on build:

<Project ...>
        <None Include="appsettings.json" CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" />


like image 70
John Trenwith Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 09:11

John Trenwith