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.NET 4.0 framework dynamic features in VB with Option Strict On?

Is there any way to use the new dynamic features in the 4.0 framework like ExpandoObject in VB.NET without setting Option Strict Off? With C#, you lose type safety only with the variables you specifically declare as dynamic. But with VB, the only way I've found to use these features is with the old Option Strict Off trick that's been in VB.NET since the beginning. Without Option Strict, everything in the file is polluted with fuzzy typing like so:

Option Explicit On
Option Strict Off
Option Infer On

Partial Public Class ClassX

   Public Sub TestDynamic()
      Dim dyn As Object = New System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject()
      Dim a As String = 1 ''# Ew!
      Dim obj As Object = "999"

      dyn.Str = a   ''# a is a string, remember?  Even though it has a number
      ''# dyn.Str = 1 : Type = System.String
      Console.WriteLine("dyn.Str = {0} : Type = {1}", dyn.Str, dyn.Str.GetType().ToString())

      dyn.Num = 123
      ''# dyn.Num = 123 : Type = System.Int32
      Console.WriteLine("dyn.Num = {0} : Type = {1}", dyn.Num, dyn.Num.GetType().ToString())

      dyn.Dbl = obj / 9
      ''# dyn.Dbl = 111 : Type = System.Double
      Console.WriteLine("dyn.Dbl = {0} : Type = {1}", dyn.Dbl, dyn.Dbl.GetType().ToString())

      dyn.Obj = obj
      ''# dyn.Obj = 999 : Type = System.String
      Console.WriteLine("dyn.Obj = {0} : Type = {1}", dyn.Obj, dyn.Obj.GetType().ToString())

      dyn.Dte = #5/5/1955#
      ''# dyn.Dte = 7/7/1977 12:00:00 AM : Type = System.DateTime
      Console.WriteLine("dyn.Dte = {0} : Type = {1}", dyn.Dte, dyn.Dte.GetType().ToString())


         Console.WriteLine("Dates don't convert to ints I guess... but we don't know that 'till runtime")
      End Try

      Console.WriteLine(dyn.Num + dyn.Str) ' 124!?
      Console.WriteLine(dyn.Num & dyn.Str) ' 1231!?

   End Sub

   Private Sub AmICalled(ByVal i As Integer)
      Console.WriteLine("AmICalled was called with: " & i)
   End Sub

End Class

Is this really correct? And, if so, what's the best way to still use things like ExpandoObject and mitigate the risk of losing all type safety? Partial classes? Or should I just not be so worried about type safety in this case?

like image 564
mattmc3 Avatar asked Jul 22 '10 02:07


People also ask

What is dynamic in VB net?

Dynamic objects provide another way, other than the Object type, to late bind to an object at run time. A dynamic object exposes members such as properties and methods at run time by using dynamic interfaces that are defined in the System. Dynamic namespace. You can use the classes in the System.

Does VB 10.0 support keyword dynamic?

The dynamic keyword in C# gave it that same capability. It did get changed in VB.NET version 10 however, it is now using the DLR as well. Which adds support for dynamic binding to language implementations like Python and Ruby. The syntax is exactly the same, use the Dim keyword without As.

What is ExpandoObject in C#?

The ExpandoObject class enables you to add and delete members of its instances at run time and also to set and get values of these members. This class supports dynamic binding, which enables you to use standard syntax like sampleObject. sampleMember instead of more complex syntax like sampleObject.

1 Answers

It appears you can't without having to turn Option Strict off. I'll research some more though.


After going through some documentation on the ExpandoObject, it appears it is used in C# for COM and Office Interop. Traditionally, in VB.NET, the Object was used for such purposes and that would require you turn off Option Strict.

To answer your question this means that you can use dynamic types in VB.NET by using the Object type instead of the ExpandoObject [if such a type exists in VB.NET], set Option Infer On and Option Strict On or Off.
You could also consider using partial classes to localise your non Option Strict code to particular files.

Suggested Reading

  • Dynamic Type in C#, Equivalent in VB
  • Using Type Dynamic (C# Programming Guide)
like image 59
Alex Essilfie Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 03:09

Alex Essilfie