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Nested bind expressions





This is a followup question to my previous question.

#include <functional>

int foo(void) {return 2;}

class bar {
    int operator() (void) {return 3;};
    int something(int a) {return a;};

template <class C> auto func(C&& c) -> decltype(c()) { return c(); }

template <class C> int doit(C&& c) { return c();}

template <class C> void func_wrapper(C&& c) { func( std::bind(doit<C>, std::forward<C>(c)) ); }

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // call with a function pointer
    func_wrapper(foo);  // error

    // call with a member function
    bar b;

    // call with a bind expression
    func(std::bind(&bar::something, b, 42));
    func_wrapper(std::bind(&bar::something, b, 42)); // error

    // call with a lambda expression
    func( [](void)->int {return 42;} );
    func_wrapper( [](void)->int {return 42;} );

    return 0;

I'm getting a compile errors deep in the C++ headers:

functional:1137: error: invalid initialization of reference of type ‘int (&)()’ from expression of type ‘int (*)()’
functional:1137: error: conversion from ‘int’ to non-scalar type ‘std::_Bind<std::_Mem_fn<int (bar::*)(int)>(bar, int)>’ requested

func_wrapper(foo) is supposed to execute func(doit(foo)). In the real code it packages the function for a thread to execute. func would the function executed by the other thread, doit sits in between to check for unhandled exceptions and to clean up. But the additional bind in func_wrapper messes things up...

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user328543 Avatar asked Apr 29 '10 20:04


1 Answers

Looking at this the second time now, and I think I have a plausable explanation for the first error you are seeing.

In this case, it's more helpful to look at the complete error and the template instantiations that lead up to it. The error printed by my compiler (GCC 4.4), for example, ends with the following lines:

test.cpp:12:   instantiated from ‘decltype (c()) func(C&&) [with C = std::_Bind<int (*(int (*)()))(int (&)())>]’
test.cpp:16:   instantiated from ‘void func_wrapper(C&&) [with C = int (&)()]’
test.cpp:22:   instantiated from here
/usr/include/c++/4.4/tr1_impl/functional:1137: error: invalid initialization of reference of type ‘int (&)()’ from expression of type ‘int (*)()’

Now looking at this bottom-up, the actual error message seems correct; the types the compiler has deduced are incompatible.

The first template instantiation, at func_wrapper, clearly shows what type the compiler has deduced from the actual parameter foo in func_wrapper(foo). I personally expected this to be a function pointer, but it is in fact a function reference.

The second template instantiation is hardly readable. But messing around with std::bind a bit, I learned that the format of the textual representation GCC prints for a bind functor is roughly:


So tearing it apart:

std::_Bind<int (*(int (*)()))(int (&)())>
// Return type: int
// Bound value types: int (*)()
// Target parameter types: int (&)()

This is where the incompatible types start. Apparently, even though c in func_wrapper is a function reference, it turns into a function pointer once passed to std::bind, resulting in the type incompatibility. For what it's worth, std::forward doesn't matter at all in this case.

My reasoning here is that std::bind only seems to care about values, and not references. In C/C++, there's no such thing as a function value; there's only references and pointers. So when the function reference is dereferenced, the compiler can only meaningfully give you a function pointer.

The only control you have over this is your template parameters. You will have to tell the compiler that you're dealing with a function pointer from the start to make this work. It's probably what you had in mind anyways. To do that, explicitly specify the type you want for the template parameter C:

func_wrapper<int (*)()>(foo);

Or the more brief solution, explicitly take the function's address:

func_wrapper(&foo); // with C = int (*)()

I'll get back to you if I ever figure out the second error. :)

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Stéphan Kochen Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 01:11

Stéphan Kochen