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C++ futures parallel processing

I'm using std::futures to parallel process my algorithm. I split up the information into mutually exclusive pools and then perform the same operation on each pool in its own thread. The code looks like this:

class Processor
    Processor(const std::string &strVal) : m_strVal(strVal)

    std::string GetVal() const {return m_strVal;}

    std::vector<std::string> Do()
        // do some processing - this can throw an exception

    std::string m_strVal;

class ParallelAlgo
    std::vector<std::string> m_vecMasterResults;


    ProcessingFunction(const std::vector<std::string> &vecInfo)
        // vecInfo holds mutually exclusive pools

        std::vector<std::future<std::vector<std::string> > > vecFutures(vecInfo.size());

            for (auto n = 0 ; n < vecInfo.size() ; n++)
                vecFuture[n] = std::async(std::launch::async, &ParallelAlgo::WorkFunc, vecInfo[n].GetVal());

            for (auto it = vecFutures.begin() ; it != vecFutures.end() ; ++it)
                std::vector<std::string> RetVal = it->get();
                m_MasterResults.insert(m_MasterResults.begin(), RetVal.begin(), RetVal.end());
        catch (exception &e)
            for (auto it = vecFutures.begin() ; it != vecFuture.end() ; ++it)
                // race condition?
                if (it->valid())

    std::vector<std::string> ParallelAlgo::WorkFunc(const std::string &strVal)
        Processor _Proccessor(strVal);
        return _Processor.Do();

My question is how to handle the situation when an exception is thrown in Processor:Do()? Currently I catch the exception using a future, and then wait zero seconds for each future that hasn't finished; this is fine - these threads will simply terminate and the processing will not be completed. However, have I not introduced a race condition in the catch block. a future could finish between the calls to valid() and wait_for(), or is this not a concern as I'm not calling get() on these incomplete futures?

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Andy Walton Avatar asked Aug 11 '15 12:08

Andy Walton

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1 Answers

A call to valid only checks if there is a corresponding shared state, which will still be true for a finished thread until you call get on it.

There is no race condition there.

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user1531083 Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 23:10
