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Neon/Glow effect in C#/WPF





I'd like to create a neon(-like) effect in wpf/c#, to be used on a series of polylines.

The closest i come to this was using blur (not very close, but eh), but the it dims the colors too dark and I have no idea how to make even that glow. Is there an effect close to this, or I should try to write a shader for it somehow?

I'd like to do this for a school project and i'd rather not turn in a bunch of outside libraries for a small amount of self-written code. Also about google: most of the stuff i found were pretty much using blur/dropshadow to create these fading colors, not something that actually has this neon-y effect.

like image 831
val Avatar asked Mar 18 '23 11:03


1 Answers

As others have already suggested you should use DropShadowEffect to achieve a neon-like effect:

  <Canvas Height="120" Width="280" Background="Black">
    Points="10,110 60,10 110,110 105,110 60,18 15,110 10,110"
    StrokeThickness="2" >
        <DropShadowEffect Color="#FF9999" ShadowDepth="0" Direction="0" BlurRadius="25"  />

    Points="10,105 110,105 110,10 115,10 115,110 10,110 10,105"
        <DropShadowEffect Color="#99FF99" ShadowDepth="0" Direction="0" BlurRadius="25"  />

Unfortunately there is no built-in effect which is specifically designed to create neon effect, but by tweaking the colors you can create quite good (or at least acceptable) results (especially for a school project...):

enter image description here

like image 163
qqbenq Avatar answered Mar 28 '23 02:03
